-Brave Search AI摘要生成器可在https://brave.com/ai-summarizer/. -勇敢的搜索是免费的,不像Neeva,并提供更好的特征和隐私。 -Magical AI专注于自动化重复任务和内容生成。 -浏览AI在2分钟内提供网页抓取功能。 -Mem AI是一个人工智能驱动的工作空间,具有快速笔记捕获和智能组织功能。 -Quinvio AI有助于...
We propose to combine multi- task learning and prefix-tuning by jointly training the prefixes and the summarizer on multiple exist- ing summarization datasets. By only tuning the prefix parameters, UNISUMM shows superior per- formance over strong baseline systems, yielding fluent and faithful ...
(b)mitigations to improve the monitorability of our future models.3.2.2CoT summarized outputsWe surface CoT summaries to users 69、in ChatGPT.We trained the summarizer model away fromproducing disallowed content in these summaries.We find the model has strong performance here.We prompted o1-...