ndmprocessorsizeandminimal理想解决方案。 powerusage. (淘宝知味小屋)行业英语-计算机英语专业术语单词翻译1 x与联系 如需Ecel格式请本人 单词释义英文例句例句翻译 excellentperfbnnctfon anecalableplant 453Sbasedonhe2ndgenerationXXXCore的 杰出的性能基于第二代智能XXX微架构体系低能耗平 o Micrarchitectureprovidiexce...
(t2)a Cocaine increaser (n ¼ 19) Cocaine decreaser (n ¼ 19) F/v2/T df, dferr p Effect size Cocaine Times per weekg — 1.6 (1.8) 1.0 (1.3) 1.17h 36 0.25 d ¼ 0.38 — Grams per weekg — 2.0 (2.5) 1.7 (2.3) 0.41h 36 0.68 d ¼ 0.12 — Years of use — 7.0 (...
Participants with a positive regression slope were assigned to the saccade increaser group, participants with a zero or negative regression slope were assigned to the saccade non-increaser group. For SMR NF training, 17 participants were assigned to the saccade increaser group and 5 to the non-...
As an example of the linear approximation by GWIS we assume that the increaser effect of one allele for an SDNN SNP is þ 0.2 with the same SNP reducing heart rate by À 0.1. Given a mean SDNN of 100 and mean heart rate of 60, we can then approximate (omitting some nuances ...
- If the CH is too low, add liquid hardness increaser. - If the CH is too high, dilute the spa water with soft water or, if this is not available, add stain and scale defense. Customer Service 1•800•787•6649 21 - When the CH is balanced, it normally remains sta- ble, ...