我有想過可能會是Acrobat Reader DC 有區分32/64bit 不過官網上並沒有特別區分 想請問前輩有碰過類似狀況嗎? 已編輯 Jay22123 2018年12月21日 上午 04:05 2018年12月21日 上午 04:04 Jay22123 0 點數 解答 0 登入以投票 大部分 COM 元件只有 32 bit...
而如果用verypdf的Image2Pdf v1.7对同一张图片进行转换,可以看出转换后的PDF页面大小为16.57英寸×11.67英寸,即在PDF Reader中选择按照“实际大小”进行显示,显示出来的图像大小,正好与原始纸质文件的大小一模一样。显然这样的结果更符合文档电子化的要求和习惯。 Image2Pdf的这种“保真”转换过程可以描述如下: 如果图像文...
Pympress is a PDF presentation tool designed for dual-screen setups such as presentations and public talks. Highly configurable, fully-featured, and portable It comes with many great features (more below): supports embedded gifs (out of the box), videos, and audios (with VLC or Gstreamer in...
Adobe PDF 文件为压缩文件,任何人都可以通过免费的Acrobat Reader 进行共享、查看、导航和打印文件。 adobe pdf虚拟打印机功能: ① 一般:支持各种标准纸张、自定义纸张,页面边距,支持150——2400分辨率,支持页面缩放 ② 压缩:支持JPEG、JPEG2000、CCITT GROPT3、CCITT GROUP4、RUN LENGTH、FLATE DECODE,...
GetTextFromPage(reader, i)); 53 54 } 55 56 } 57 catch (Exception ex) 58 { 59 LogHandler.LogWrite(string.Format(@"解析PDF文件{0}失败,错误:{1}", new string[] { fileName, ex.ToString() })); 60 61 } 62 finally 63 { 64 if (reader != null) 65 { 66 reader.Close(); 67 ...
Using Acrobat to reduce file size is relatively straightforward, but if you're looking for how to reduce PDF file size in Adobe Reader DC - or even an unregistered version of Adobe Acrobat DC or Pro DC - then you're out of luck. Let's first look at how to reduce PDF size in ...
catch(Exception ex)58{59LogHandler.LogWrite(string.Format(@"解析PDF文件{0}失败,错误:{1}",newstring[] { fileName, ex.ToString() }));6061}62finally63{64if(reader !=null)65{66reader.Close();67reader =null;68}69}70//71fileContent =sbFileContent.ToString();72returnfileContent;73}74/...
When open pdf file with long path and file name (exceed 260 characters) with Protected Mode on, the Adobe Reader (verson 2023.006.20380 64-bits) will report error: "There was an error opening this document. Access denied.". If I disable "Enable Protecte...
When open pdf file with long path and file name (exceed 260 characters) with Protected Mode on, the Adobe Reader (verson 2023.006.20380 64-bits) will report error: "There was an error opening this document. Access denied.". If I disable "Enable Protect...
Pympress is a simple yet powerful PDF reader designed for dual-screen presentations - Cimbali/pympress