print to PDF with 11.0 fails with "invalid handle" from ALL applicaitons and "print test page" Guest Mar 06, 2016 Copy link to clipboard Any help with this please, only solution I found in the forum was to change registry entry...
1 //加载PDF文档PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();doc.LoadFromFile("Test.pdf");//设置打印对话框属性PrintDialog dialogPrint = new PrintDialog();dialogPrint.AllowPrintToFile = true;dialogPrint.AllowSomePages = true;dialogPrint.PrinterSettings.MinimumPage = 1;dialogPrint.PrinterSettings.MaximumPage =...
II. 点选后会出现左下图标,每个选项的功能叙述如下: 功能 描述 Calibrate 传感器校正 Reset Printer 重启打印机 Factory Default 恢复出厂默认值并重新开机 Print Test Page 打印测试页 Configuration Page 打印自测页 Ignore AUTO.BAS 重启并在此该次忽略 AUTO.BAS 档案 Exit Line Mode 退出行模式 Enter Line Mode...
代码如下: fromPyPDF2importPdfReaderreader=PdfReader("test.pdf")# 总页数number_of_pages=len(reader.pages)# 第一页 page = reader.pages[0]text=page.extract_text()print(text)---输出内容如下:拜仁慕尼黑拜仁慕尼黑拜仁慕尼黑拜仁慕尼黑拜仁慕尼黑 点击获取更多技术资料 PDF文件合并 同样地,我们也可以实现...
Able to print test print page and pdf files; UNABLE to print any word/excel/office files Solved Start a conversation Experiencing 'Printer Blocked' or 'Printer Error' message? Click here for more information. Create an account on the HP Comm...
I couldn't help but to notice that you have other printer harware; that means they also have their own print managing software. However, on your last slide, you try to print a test page but the configuration wizard was not fully fnalized as to accept the Adobe PDF Converter as...
# 读取文本text=first_page.extract_text()print(text) 输出: 读取第二页的表格 importpandasaspd# 第二页pdfplumber.Page实例first_page=pdf.pages[1]# 自动读取表格信息,返回列表table=first_page.extract_tables()# 将列表转为dftable_df=pd.DataFrame(table_2[1:],columns=table_2[0])table_df ...
pdfFile=open('./input/Political Uncertainty and Corporate Investment Cycles.pdf','rb')pdfObj=PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFile)page_count=pdfObj.getNumPages()print(page_count)#提取文本forpinrange(0,page_count):text=pdfObj.getPage(p)print(text.extractText())''' ...
按住ITEM ,直至PRINT SELP-TEST 出现。 按下SELECT, 将开始打印菜单导航图上的“ 自测”页。 HP LASERJET 5SI 系列打印机和HP LASERJET 5SI MOPIER 反复按打印机的MENU 按钮,直至显示屏上显示TIST MENU 为止。 反复按ITEMS ,直至显示屏上显示PCL CONFIGURATION PAGE 为止。 按...
Description I have a page that prints multiple sheets of paper, and PrintToPdfAsync prints all pages to PDF no matter how much pageRange I set TestPrintUrl: Version SDK: 1.0.1901...