Are you new this summer? Uh,me? N-No.[chuckles] Really? Hmm. Thought I knew every pretty girl in Cousins. [Belly chuckles softly] Coming to the bonfire tonight? First of the season. Uh,maybe. Come. Ill introduce you to some of my friends. -Maybe I will. Hmm.-[Laurel] After ...
Appreciation o f the O ld Summer P alace is m a in ly ab ou t m o d ern t e ch n o lo gy 3 .T h is tex t is m o st p r ob ab ly from th e p art o f in a n ew sp ap er . A .cu ltu r e B .b u sin e ss C .h e a lth D . sp ort s B 2...
2022年英语新高考I卷读后续写范文3 3 篇附故事原结尾 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 It was the day of the big crosscountryrun. Students
thepreliminary 什么? report of the summer activities subcommittee. 我现在向各位提出两种可能, M:What? 2 由家庭会议来决定去哪儿。 Dad; I come before you with twoproposals for 好! the Seaver family 这是什么时候决定的? B:Great! 你妈一写文章,这事我就管了, C:What vacation?! 3 所以我就负责...
winters.Theyfoundthatitwasthesummerrainfallthatfelloff-andthatmuchofthe fall-offmayhavebeenduetofewerhurricanes飓(风),orhurricanesofreducedintensity. WetendtobeprettyconfidentinourabilitytoseeandmeasurewhaCsoinonaround us,tounderstandit,andtoadjust.ItsnotcertainwhatluippenedtotheMaya—butone thinistrue:They...
27.Whatdoesfindingthefootpathtotheislandmeantotheauthor? A.Anescapefromtherealworld.B.Achancetogetclosetonature. C.Amentalandphysicalpressure.D.Asymbolofpersonalachievement. C Myhusbandmadealittletwo-storyhousethatmirroredourownincoloranddesignforourLittleFreeLibrary, whileIcarefullyselectedbooksfromourshelve...
MyhusbandandIenjoyseeinglifethroughtheeyesofourchildren.It,samazingtowatchastheydiscovertheir world. Whilewewereoutdoorslastsummerenjoyingthesunshine,ouroldestdaughter,Kaytlin,calledmetothe doorway.Beneaththestepswasababyredsquirrel. Wewatcheditfromadistance,notwantingtodisturbitorscareoffitsmother.Butafteralong...
begantomove.Istopped,andshesoontookwingbutdidnotimmediatelyflyaway. Hovering(悬停),sheapproachedwithinsixinchesofmyface.Foraverylongmoment, thistinycreaturelookedintomyeyes,turningherheadfromsidetoside.Thensheflewquickly outofsight. Duringthecookout,Itoldmyhostsaboutthehummingbirdincident.Theypromisedtofix ...
What should I do with the seeds? Showing him how to slice and measure and mix in a calm, firm voice, I suddenly felt grown up. The summer had reversed our roles; now, I was the adult. I stayed home all summer and cooked his dinner, washed his T-shirts and helped him make phone...
Cwhenwewillhavetheschoolconcert . Dwhenwillwehavetheschoolconcert 二、完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的、、、四个选项中,选择 ABCD 最佳选项。 “Wewerethecutestbabiesintheworld!”IsmiledandsaidtoRachelasIputupa13 ofmeridingahorseonthewalloftheclassroom. ...