Lastweekendanactivitycalled“GettingtoKnow 上周末,我校学生会举办了一场名为 thePlantsAroundUs”washeldbyourStudentsUnion. 认识我们身边的植物“”的活动。 Inthefirstplace,volunteersshowedstudentsvarious 一开始,志愿者向学生们展示了我们 kindsofplantsinourschool.Then,withthetopicof“The ...
2024年 1 月上海市春季高考英语全真模拟试卷011.Listening Comprehension 第题 ,每题 1 分 ; 第 1120题 ,每题 1.5分;共 2 5 分 全真模拟试卷01 听力 .mp3Section A
2.Whatisthemaintopicoftheconversation? A.Afootballplayer.B.Astadium.C.Agame. 3.Whatdoweknowabouttheice-creamshops? A.Theyarenotpopularwithtourists.B.Theysellexpensiveicecreams.C.Theyareinaseasidetown. 4.Whatwillthewomandonext? A.PickupJohn.B.Enjoysomeartworks.C.TalkaboutJohnsprogress. ...
Itissaidthatthegodofthunderbeatshis29tomakespringthunderduringJingzhe.lb30 him,peopleontheearthalsobeatthedrums. 21.A.growB.hideC.disappear 22.A.animalsB.plantsC.leaves 23A.throughB.intoC.out 24.A.untilB.sinceC.if 25.A.longestB.darkestC.busiest 26.A.customsB.storiesC.characters 27.A.Bite...
23.WhatshouldyoubegoodatifyouwanttovolunteeratRoseGarden? A.Readingstories.B.Dancingandsinging.C.Takingcareofplants. B Wouldyoubeabletosleepwithoneeyeopen?Bottlenosedolphins(宽吻海豚)can.Whenthey sleep,onlyhalfoftheirbraingoestosleep.Theysleepwithoneeyeopentostaysafe.Halfoftheirb ...
sidewalks.Thestreetsinwhichpeopleliveshouldbeatightpatternofcrossedsidewalks,whichallowpeople tomeet,talk,andgettoknowoneanother.Suchacomplexbutultimatelyenrichingsetofencountershelps individualsknowtheirneighboursandneighbourhoodbetter. Diversityandmixed-useofspacearealso,forJacobs,keyelementsofthisurbanform.Thecommercia...
But it was going to be too expensive.M: You mean the training W: Yes, you need to pay for the use of all the equipment, you know.M: So you went to a nursing college.W: I did. And I have no regrets.M: Really You enjoyed it W: Oh, very much.M: Didn’t you feel sad ...
structure, claiming that the company now allows them to “kill two birds with one stone” as they “canget both health and money.” But while the new policy has been getting generally positive feedbackonline, some netizens it can lead to discrimination.“The intention of the company’s ...
"You know about when he went on the Vomit Comet? It's a plane that flies in a parabolic ( 抛物线 的 ) path so you are weightless, like you are in space. A lot of people vomit, but he loved that sort of thing. "And he was 65 at the time. Hawking's greatest hit, humour-...
Speaking from the time- developing cell phone, IT products and other 3G products on honored history of the two large wine plants of Sujiu - Yanghe and the basis of traditional home appliances, improve supply chain Shuanggou to the rise of the time-honored brand Yanghe and the unique view ...