Nursing Ethics 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Jones & Bartlett Pub 作者:Butts, Janie B./ Rich, Karen L. 出品人: 页数:277 译者: 出版时间:2005-1 价格:$ 70.00 装帧:Pap...
Nursing Law and Ethics takes an innovative and challenging approach to key legal and ethical issues, and considers the practical application of law and ethics in nursing. Part 1 explores the interface between law, ethics and nursing, patient complaints and the changing policy context. Part 2 ...
SageJournal of holistic nursing : official journal of the American Holistic Nurses' Association
AACN CCRN Pediatric: The Public Protection purpose of the Critical Care Nursing Exam Corporation is subject to a standard of quality where certified registered nurses are required to examine, understand and behave in a way that coincides with the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses. Ethical principles ...
TheAmerican MedicalAssociation approved anew code of ethics for telemedicinethismonth, calling on telemedicinepractitionersto recognize the limitations ofthe service and tomake medical recommendationswhentheyhave enough information aboutpatients. However,there is not always a consensus on the limitations of ...
Englishnursing courseware xx年xx月xx日 目录 CATALOGUE •Introduction •Basicknowledgeof numberingEnglish •Nursingpracticeand communicationskills 目录 CATALOGUE •Crossculturalnumbering andcommunication •NursingEthicsandLegal Responsibility •SummaryandOutlook ...
Find detailed information here about the Journal of Emergency Nursing submission system and what to expect after submission, including peer review, open access, and what to expect after a decision has been made on your paper. Details on the Journal of Emergency Nursing Ethics, Policies, Forms, ...
SinceMr.Whitesdeath,Ihaveendeavored,ashissuccessor,toadheretohiscodeofethics.wodollars outofeverythreedollarsprofitearnedbyourcorporationissharedwithothersinhelpingtomakeour nationabetterplaceinwhichtolive. We,inourcorporation,believethatitisnotsufficientonlytomanufactureasfineaproductasis possible-millionsofdollars...
Code of Ethics 2019 [2020-09-15]. [66] McGrath P, Phillips E. Australian findings on Aboriginal cultural practices associated with clothing, hair, possessions and use of name of deceased persons[ J]. International Journal of Nursing ...
8. Jordanian Nursing Council (2009). Code of ethics for nurse's practice. Amman: Jordanian Nursing Council Publishing. 9. Haddad, A. (2001). Ethics in action. RN, 64(1), 29-30,32. 10. Rylance, G. Privacy, dignity, and confidentiality: interview study with structured questionnaire. BMJ...