Reduce PDF file size without losing quality---If you have higher requirement on shrinking PDF files on Mac, PDF Compressor Mac allows you to shrink PDF files in 4 modes, Small File Size, Medium File Size and Large File Size, even you can customize the quality by manually inputting the...
The backup data set must be sequential, record format "U", must have a block size of at least bbbbbbbb, and cannot be a striped data set. In some cases, you can fix this problem by typing RECOVERY OFF followed by RECOVERY ON. ISRE317 No more to UNDO - There are no interactions ...
The FET is the program development tool for the MSP430™ ultra-low-power microcontrollers. How to Use This Manual Read and follow the instructions in Chapter 1. This section lists the contents of the FET and provides instructions on installing the hardware and the software drivers. After you ...
High performance, low power 32-bit FT32 core processor, running at a frequency of 100MHz. 256kB on-chip Flash memory. 256kB on-chip shadow program memory. True Zero Wait States (0WS) up to 3.1 DMIPS per MHz performance Four user timers watchdog function. ...
SizeSizeSizeDocumentNumberDocumentNumberDocumentNumberRevRevRev Allplacewithin2toCPUSBA3A3A3KeyWestKeyWestKeyWestSCSCSC Date:Date:Date:Thursday,June30,2005Thursday,June30,2005Thursday,June30,2005SheetSheetSheet444ofofof333777 ABCDE ABCDE 46D46D VCC_CORE_S0 62.1005562.1005511 AVS0VSS97D1332,36VCC_CORE...
commands: 01_wget_wkhtmltox_0.12.5.1_linux-centos6-x86_64: command: sudo wget test: test ! -f /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf 02_install_wkhtmltox_0.12.5.1_linux-centos6-x86_64: comm...
Mercury greater than 5ppm by weight Cadmium greater than 10ppm by weight Lead greater than 4000ppm by weight Battery size: CR2032 (coin cell) Battery type: Lithium Restricted Material Usage This product does not contain any of the following substances in excess of regulatory limits (refer to ...
The nanoparticles were excited by the 808 nm emission fiber- coupled diode laser with a power of 200 mW and the beam was focused on the sample using a 20× microscope objective (numerical aperture 0.4) and a spot size of ~10−6 m. The excitation density was around 100 W cm−2. ...
1.5 LRR VIII-2亚家族基因重复方式分析 在基因组进化过程中, 基因可以通过串联重复,片段 重复或全基因组重复等方式发生扩张 (Freeling, 2009).串联重复基因同时满足2个条件: (1) 位于同 一染色体上,基因间隔区100 kb (Guo et al., 2014); (2) 基因序列相似性超过阈值(相似区域覆盖较长序 列的 70% ...
However, organellar genes have some limitations; these involve uniparental inheritance in most instances and a relatively low percentage of phylogenetic informative sites. Thus, they are unable to resolve some relation- ships even when whole plastid genome sequences are used. Therefore, the utility of...