Journal of Financial Economics 27. Journal of International Business Studies 28. Journal of Management Studies - 2 - 29. Journal of Marketing 30. Journal of Marketing Research 31. Journal of Operations Management 32. Journal of Political Economy 33. Journal of the American Statistical Association ...
管理者往往都参加过一些国内外的MBA或MPA课程,还频频在《财富》和《商业周刊》之类的杂志上抛头露面,《管理学季刊》(Administrative Science Quarterly)和《管理研究杂志》(The Journal of Management Studies) 之类的期刊也经常对他们进行报道。他们尝试过数以百计据说可以帮助他们提高管理水平的课程。如果是在大型组织...
Journal of Management* 25. Journal of Management Information Systems* 26. Journal of Management Studies 27. Journal of Marketing 28. Journal of Marketing Research 29. Journal of Operations Management 30. Journal of Political Economy 31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science* 32. Management ...
MANAGEMENT 7,175 5.000 0.005500 31 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW 2,516 4.922 0.002520 32 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES 12,106 4.888 0.007860 33 Journal of Intellectual Capital 2,821 4.805 0.000540 34 SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 8,307 4.803 0.006890 35 Journal of Knowledge Management 5,271 4.745 ...
(JOB) 中国组织行为 Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS)管理研究杂志 Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS)决策科学 Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)中国国际商务研究 Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系 Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论 Rank 19:Industrial...
of management-related subject to the philosophical underpinning they require for their studies. There is no other text which covers this area so clearly, so succinctly and in language that is readily accessible to a wide range of researcher back-grounds. I can enviSAGE this being a valuable ...
How journal rankings can suppress interdisciplinary research. A comparison between Innovation Studies and Business & Management Working Papers 11-05, DRUID, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy/Aalborg University, Department of Business Studies. Raf... I Rafols,L Ley...
This useful resource provides a broad overview of the practical and theoretical issues associated with the management of electronic journals, and contains practical and illuminating case studies of problems faced and solutions found in individual libraries. Containing chapters by respected authorities on ...
empiricallywithazlocillin and gentamicin.P.aerugi-was admittedwitha fever,2weeks after a courseofnma was isolated from the lesion swab and a diagnosisofchemotherapy which included intrathecal methotrexate.EGwas made.Blood cultures remained sterile and radio-She was profoundlyneutropenic(WCC2.2Xlo9/L,no...
经济管理类SCISSCI英文国际期刊分类目录(...(2020年10月整理).pdf 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 经济管理类SCI/SSCI英文国际期刊分类目录(试行)A+类A类B类 1