➤ 有多个键盘快捷键可以更有效地使用扩展程序。您可以在 Google Chrome 设置中自定义网络亮点快捷方式 (chrome://extensions/shortcuts) ➤ 您可以免费安装和使用Web Highlights Extension。离线功能将始终可供您免费使用。不需要帐户。要充分享受网络亮点的好处,包括通过自动云同步从任何地方访问您的亮点和书签,您需...
上一张 Highlighter & PDF chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Highlighter & PDF chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 以PDF 格式突出显示、编辑和下载。 Google Chrome 的“荧光笔和 PDF”扩展程序是突出显示网页上的文本、进行快速编辑以及将其下载为自定义 PDF 的基本工具。通过这个直观高效的扩展简化您的...
Highlighter tool to annotate websites and PDF, import Kindle highlights and more. Get all your highlights in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. All your highlights are synchronized and backed up in the cloud. The extension requires a FREE account you can create immediately...
Adobe Acrobat Google 翻译 Avast SafePrice |比较、交易、优惠券 Cisco Webex Extension AdBlock :最佳广告拦截工具 Tampermonkey油猴 Avast Online Security 首页 未分类 Web Highlights – PDF & Web HighlighterWeb Highlights – PDF & Web Highlighter 提供方:web-highlights.com★...
Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web Chrome插件图文教程 Highlight & organize your research with our Chrome extension highlighter. Simplify your research process. Focus on Productivity. Don't waste time on keeping track of sources, making notes, and copying & pasting. ...
Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web - Chrome 应用商店,Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web - Chrome 应用商店, Best highlighting tool for Website and PDF. FREE and easy to use.
提供Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web插件下载和安装教程,,Highlight & organize your research with our Chrome extension highlighter. Simplify your research process. Focus on Productivity. Don't waste time on keeping track of sources, making notes,
Yawas (Yet Another Web Annotation System) is a browser extension to highlight web pages and PDF documents. It works both for Chrome and Firefox. As of August 2021, your annotations are stored in the built-in Chrome (or Firebox) Bookmarks. Since the chrome.bookmarks API only allows storing...
【Chrome 插件】Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web 通过Chrome在PDF和网页上记重点!,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
This is a spectacularly crafted piece of software. I just wanted a simple highlighter. This extension does that beautifully. But it does things I did not know where possible. It organizes my research - no matter how random my browsing has been. Absolutely awesome. This extension is not only...