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aa Hepatic artery infusion ± systemic 5-FU/leucovorin (category 2B) is also an option at institutions with experience in both the surgical and medical oncologic tt Patients with dMMR/MSI-H disease who are not candidates for immunotherapy aspects of this procedure. should be treated as ...
IangUage and CUlIUre 7½e d / C½山ese, the article in Reading C “The ChineSe DIagon vs. The WeStem Dragon” distin即ishes the ChinCSe dragon from its WeStern COUnIerPartS and relates SUCh mythical mascots With Ihe UaditiOnal culture, CUStOmS and IangUage Of Ihe Chinese. Teaehing ...
Xiong (2017) offers a more comprehensive understanding of a smart campus that supports wider school development with a focus on the IoT and integration of systems: "Smart Campus is to use the Internet of Things, data fusion, cloud computing, data mining, and other information technologies, to ...
The latent heat of fusion is identified with the energy necessary to counterbalance that of a certain number of "oscilla- tors " concerned in holding together the crystalline structure. Assuming that the energy of an oscillator having a vibration frequency v is RTx exx- I , studied. The ...
myogenin; srfa: serum response factor alpha; acta1b: actin alpha 1b, skeletal muscle; tpma: alpha-tropomyosin; myhc1.2: myosin heavy polypeptide 1.2, fast skeletal muscle specific; tnni2a: troponin I type 2a, fast skeletal muscle specific; rpl8: ribosomal protein L8, as an internal control...
其他连续性与二分类结局指标的数据分析方法 同上.Meta 分析前充分考虑研究间的临床异质性 和方法学异质性,针对不能合并的研究结果仅进行 描述性分析.统计学异质性采用 χ2 检验和 I2 统计 量评价;当χ2检验 P<0.1 且 I2>60%,则认为具有统 计学异质性.当研究间存在统计学异质性时,主要 从药物类型,基线...
The fusion plasmid was also mobilized into the DddYÀ mutant strain, J482. In this background, DMSP no longer functioned as a co-inducer, although acrylate retained its co-inducing ability. This suggests that DMSP itself is not a co-inducer, but must first be converted to the likely ...