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firsttrial.^^Shehadfallevictimtothedotssydrome-aformofegativegoalsettig.Thedotscabe self-fulfilligbecausepeopleucosciouslyfollowtheirpredictiosadfiallycausethemtohappe. Researchshowsametalimagefirestheervesystemthesamewayasactuallydoigsomethig.Thatmeas ...
The study of this compound in thin film form has also received remarkable attention. Firstly, the confinement of the magnetoelectronic phase separation, or its emergence in thin film samples, can lead to changes in the properties of the compound, e.g., increasing strongly the coercivity with ...
With the effects of ultrasonic and basic catalyst, the carboxylated MWCNTs suspended in NMP could form covalent bonds with PPTA (namely, the epoxy ring-opening reaction) to achieve chemical deposition. The morphologies of original and modified PPTA fibers were observed by scanning electron microscope ...
All other attendees (including Awardees and their Teacher/Coach/School Head) must sign up by visiting and filling out the pre-registration form on or before 11:59 PM, 15 February. Those who fail to do so shall be considered walk-in attendees, who must...
Additional evidence, in the form of achievement data gathered from the concerned adolescent population, must be brought to bear in order to identify exactly what the current functioning of those adolescents is. This information then provides a road map to develop that function- ing. The following ...
The Department of Education (DepEd) applied the form of instruction that was being used by the teachers— the use of self-learning modules (modular); use of the Internet (online); TV-based or radio-based instruction; or a combination of the said modalities to provide effective instructions ...