如果您也遇到这样的问题:EDGE、google浏览器加载PDF失败,显示“载入 PDF 时发生错误。PDF.js v2.9.359 (build: e667c8cbc),信息:Failed to fetch” 解决办法: 有可能与IDM冲突,删掉“IDM 自动开始下载下列类型的文件”当中的“PDF”,即可恢复正常。 恢复正常...
针对你遇到的“pdf.js failed to fetch”问题,这通常意味着PDF.js在尝试加载PDF文件时遇到了网络请求错误。以下是一些可能的原因和解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 检查网络连接是否正常: 确保你的设备已连接到互联网,并且网络连接稳定。 你可以尝试访问其他网站或使用其他在线服务来验证网络连接。 确认PDF文件的URL是...
再次不服气,索性我就打开了F12,看了整个PDF的加载过程:首先从服务器加载pdfjs,然后加载pdf文件,然后IDM就弹出了下载框,紧接着报错; 首先,pdf.js是加载成功的,这没问题;其次,pdf文件也正常加载,IDM下载框都弹出了;那就纳闷了,继续搜索,github上有个issue是说是跨域问题解决的,于是我又按照教程,安装“access-con...
file origin does not match viewer’s 错误,在注释掉源文件中的代码后 // if (origin !== viewerOrigin && protocol !== 'blob:') { // throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s'); // } 又出现了 Uncaught (in promise) Error: 载入 PDF 时发生错误。 Failed to fetch错误,并且...
== 'blob:') { // throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s'); // } 又出现了 Uncaught (in promise) Error: 载入 PDF 时发生错误。 Failed to fetch错误,并且加载pdf地址时出现了跨域错误 请问这是服务器处理pdf文件出现的问题吗?应该怎么解决?
Attach (recommended) or Link to PDF file here: http://admin.gaokao8.com/dist/api/public/upload/20201118/5f0d1534a05864b62ccc647d3e4d166f.pdf Configuration: Web browser and its version: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKi...
You will usually see this error in your browser because your PDF does not sit on the same domain as the current page on your site. For example, if you access the page http://www.example.com/ and see the error message: Failed to Fetch while retrieving PDF
file in another domain (Experimenting with this file available publiclyhttps://www.total-media.ch/brochures/brochure.pdf). I am using the parameterAllowedHostsList(with the value "www.total-media.ch"), but still get the errorPDF.js v2.12.313 (build: a2ae56f39)Message: Failed...
pdf.js Error: Setting up fake worker failed: "Failed to fetch dynamically imported module 本人使用最新pdfjs-dist@4.7.76,环境为vue3+vite5 pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc主要是接受字符串,需要一個獲取pdf.worker.min.mjs的地址 最後解決代碼:...
Hello, I obtain a Fetch failed error after I loaded a PDF document to a workspace. The error log is showing nothing related , Is this the correct place to read the logs ? Are there known steps to reproduce? I'm using Linux mint Cinnamom and the desktop app. Im using ollama on the...