立即下載Icecream PDF Editor並在 Windows 上編輯您的 PDF 檔! 免費下載 Icecream PDF Editor 的視頻演示 使用功能強大而簡單的 PDF 編輯器提高您的工作效率。 管理頁面 在「管理頁面」模式下重新排列、旋轉、刪除和添加新頁面。您還可以將選定的頁面提取到單獨的 PDF 檔中。
PDF Editor kit, a complete PDF editor, merger and annotator. It is a very easy, lightweight, secure app to read, annotate, fill, merge, split and watermark your PDF Files. The app is compatible with all kinds of other programs and drives like Google Dri
PDF Editor kit, a complete PDF editor, merger and annotator. It is a very easy, lightweight, secure app to read, annotate, fill, merge, split and watermark your PDF Files. The app is compatible with all kinds of other programs and drives like Google Dri
WPS Office is an all-in-one and feature-rich software suite to help read, create, convert andedit pdffiles. It's a free offline application for Windows, Linux, Android, Mac, and iOS devices. The best alternative to PDF Xchange Editor is WPS Office, which offers a 7-day free trial...
Discover PDF Master Editor & Reader, the all-in-one, comprehensive PDF management application available on the Windows Store. This powerful app offers a smooth and user-friendly experience, empowering you to read, edit, and manage your PDF documents with
and flip various elements. Moreover, you can ungroup vector objects to easily manage pages, comments, information, content, and PDF forms. With PDF Editor for Microsoft Windows, you caninsert annotations, including free text, note, stamp, radio button, checkbox, form field, vector text, and ...
您可以点击软件首页的+号导入笔记(PDF)进行阅读和编辑。这是一个PDF阅读器和编辑器。它可以帮助用户查看、编辑和转换 PDF。
七、PDF-XCHANGE EDITOR PDF-XChange Editor,一款专业的PDF编辑器,以其高效的处理速度和精准的功能而备受赞誉。它的优点在于:高效处理:支持PDF文件的编辑、注释和转换,还提供了丰富的注释工具,如铅笔、线条、文本框等。精准OCR功能:能识别扫描文件中的文字,并将其转化为可编辑的文本。打印和预览功能:支持多种...
PDF-XChange Editor是国外非常著名的PDF编辑器,体验非常好,号称打开速度最快最强大的PDF编辑器/PDF阅读器,专注于PDF文档的编辑。 具体我们来打开体验下: PDF-XChange可自定义制作PDF电子文档,具有创建,查看,编辑,注释,审阅,添加水印,签名保护,PDF格式转换,PDF文档打印,扫描仪识别,OCR识别页面等功能...总之该有的功...
https://cdn07.foxitsoftware.cn/pub/foxit/phantomPDF/desktop/mac/stable/zh_cn/FoxitPDFEditor_cn_mac_continuous.pkg 方式二:进入福昕官网-教育用户页面下载 点击下方链接直达: https://www.foxitsoftware.cn/solutions/edu/?from=gaoxiao 找...