第1步、打开软件,在软件最上方的菜单栏中点击【Document】选项卡,选择【Header& Footer】>【Add】。第2步、选择您想要添加页码的位置,您可以将它放在页眉或页脚。第3步、接着,点击【PageNumber】,在下拉菜单中选择所需的页码样式。此外,也可以在【StartNumbering At】字段中更改起始页码的值。完成设置后,点击...
方法六:使用MiniToolPDF Editor MiniToolPDF Editor是一款全能的PDF编辑工具,支持多种功能。 ★ 打开软件:启动MiniToolPDF Editor,在菜单栏中点击“Page”标签。 ★ 选择添加页码:选择“Page Number”>“Add Page Numbers”添加页码。 ★ 设置参数:在弹出的窗口中,指定页面范围、编号格式、位置、对齐方式和页边距等参数。
第1步、打开软件,在软件最上方的菜单栏中点击【Document】选项卡,选择【Header & Footer】>【Add】。 第2步、选择您想要添加页码的位置,您可以将它放在页眉或页脚。 第3步、接着,点击【Page Number】,在下拉菜单中选择所需的页码样式。此外,也可以在【Start Numbering At】字段中更改起始页码的值。完成设置后,...
Step 1: Tap Editor on the toolbar -> Header & Footer Click "Add Header & Footer" Step 2: Set your numbering options Choose your "Font Size", "Margin", and "Preview" Step 3: Click "Apply" once you're happy with your numbering settings How to Add Page Numbers to PDFs for Mac Div...
Open a file in theOnline PDF editor Click on the Text tool in the top menu Add text on the PDF page. Change text by clicking on existing text to start editing Add images to the page. Click and drag to move, resize or rotate the image ...
第1步、打开该软件,在软件上方菜单栏中点击【Page】标签,选择【Page Number】>【Add Page Numbers】添加页码。 第2步、在弹出的添加页码【Add Page Number】窗口中,可以指定页面范围【Page Range】、编号格式【Number Format】、位置【Position】、对齐方式【Alignment】和页边距【Margin】。设置完成后,点击【OK】即...
Add page numbers to PDFs to better organise your work documents, and order your work simply and effectively. Find out more today.
SwifDoo PDF is an all-aroundPDF editorthat enables you to add pages to PDF files by the page inserting and PDF merging features. With the PDF editor, you can add a blank page, specific pages in a PDF, or a whole PDF document to another PDF file with just a few mouse clicks. Beside...
Add text to PDF. Type on a PDF Make sure the 'Text' tool is selected. Click anywhere on the PDF page to add text. Change PDF text Select the 'Text' tool in the top toolbar. Click any existing text to start editing. Make text bold or italic, change font size, font family and te...
If you need to add a page to the end of a PDF document, that’s pretty easy. Most PDF Editors, such as Foxit PDF Editor enable you to do so. It’s probably as easy as dragging the new page into the thumbnail section of the PDF. But what if you need to add that same page to...