首先,推荐你使用Foxit PDF Edit这款专业的PDF编辑工具。打开软件后,你会在上方看到【转换】功能,其中就包含了【到MS Office】的子功能。正是这个功能,能帮助我们轻松实现PDF到Word的转换。只需点击【到Word】,再选择保存位置,文件格式转换就能迅速完成。如果转换后内容仍为图片,不妨尝试OCR文字识别功能,让图片中的...
LibreOffice的界面与MS Office很相似。如果你非常熟悉MS Office,这可能是一个理想的选择。LibreOffice 具备高效开源 PDF 编辑器的所有功能,它声称是 Microsoft Office 的领先替代品。 4. PDFedit 通过PDFedit,可将文本和图像添加到 PDF 文件中,并且准确地定位到需编辑的部分、单词或短语。此外,用户还可使用它从PDF文...
To edit a PDF, open it in Word. This works best with PDFs that are mostly text. PDFs of book chapters or something that looks like a manuscript from a copier won't be formatted well in Word. Go toFile>Open. Find the PDF and open it (you might have to selectBrowseand find the ...
Instead of relying on Word, it’s better to edit your PDF documents with a purpose-built PDF editing software like Adobe Acrobat. It ensures your PDF will look right and that you can save all changes correctly. If you’re using a computer without Acrobat, you can also add comments and t...
PDF如何免费转Word 2、FOxiT edit 任意门:editor.foxitsoftware.cn 很多人不太喜欢在线网站,所以另外...
Edit DOCX online without WordNew Easily edit and update your Word documents directly in your browser with our DOCX editor. Convert your documents Choose from a long list of powerful conversion tools where you can quickly convert multiple documents at a time. ...
pdfedit编辑器中文版 1.46M / 2023-03-22 / v8.0.4 绿色免费版 pdfedit编辑器中文是一款功能多样强大,操作简单好用的pdf文件编辑工具。通过这款软件,用户可以轻松的实现对pdf格式文件的编辑修改,无论是添加文字、图片,还是删除pdf文件中的元素、对象,它都可以快速的完成。这 点击下载 万兴PDF编辑器(Wondershare...
打开软件 - 选择第一个功能PDF转Word,传入文档 - 等待上传完成,再点击‘立即开始’等待转换完成。 四、F.oxit Edit PDF阅读器 这款是我经常用来阅读PDF文件的,再提供流畅的阅读体验的同时,也出了强大的转换功能,可以在阅读PDF文档的同时,快速将文档转为word格式,无需切换到其他软件操作!而且转化过程也很简单快速...
Step 1.Launch EaseUS PDF Editor and click "Tools". Then, choose "Combine PDF" under "Edit & Review". Step 2.Select the first file you want to combine. After that, click "Add file(s)" to add other files you want to combine. The files could be PDF, Office document, and image fil...
Edit DOCX online without WordNew Easily edit and update your Word documents directly in your browser with our DOCX editor. Convert your documents Choose from a long list of powerful conversion tools where you can quickly convert multiple documents at a time. ...