第1步、打开软件,在软件最上方的菜单栏中点击【Document】选项卡,选择【Header& Footer】>【Add】。第2步、选择您想要添加页码的位置,您可以将它放在页眉或页脚。第3步、接着,点击【PageNumber】,在下拉菜单中选择所需的页码样式。此外,也可以在【StartNumbering At】字段中更改起始页码的值。完成设置后,点击...
Sometimes, you need to update a PDF file with an extra page or another document. For example, your client may require a cover page or a scanned test report in a quote PDF. In addition, it is common to create a PDF from two existing smaller documents. Learning the easy ways to add p...
// 将页码布局添加到页面布局document.add(pageNumberParagraph); 1. 2. 步骤7:将页面布局添加到PDFDocument 最后,我们将页面布局添加到PDFDocument中。 // 将页面布局添加到PDFDocumentdocument.close(); 1. 2. 步骤8:保存PDF文档 保存PDF文档到指定的路径。 // 保存PDF文档pdf.close(); 1. 2. 关系图 下...
However, since PDF files are preferred formats in many settings, you'll be required to do some editing with a PDF reader. Here, we'll show you one of the basic skills in PDF document editing - how to add a page to a PDF file. How to Add Pages to PDF Files with WPS Office If y...
使用PdfDocument.loadFromFile()方法加载一个样本PDF文档。 使用PdfDocument.getPages().removeAt(int index)方法删除文档的一个特定页面。 使用PdfDocument.saveToFile()方法将文档保存到另一个文件。 代码示例 1importcom.spire.pdf.*;23publicclassDeletePage {4publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {56//创建一个...
Add page numbers to PDFs to better organise your work documents, and order your work simply and effectively. Find out more today.
deletePages (page_range) 用于删除现有 PDF 文档内一个或多个页面。 insertPages (pdf_path, {before_page_number}, {input_pdf_password}) 可将一个 PDF 文档的内容插入到另一 PDF 文档开头处或页面之间。 saveAndClose () Saves any changes made to the currently referenced PDFDocument updateDocPropert...
Learn how to add, replace, rotate, delete, and move pages in a PDF using Adobe Acrobat. What you'll need Download sample files ZIP, 3 MB 1 Open a PDF and select the Organize Pages tool Open the organize_start.pdf sample file in Acrobat, or open your own multi-page PDF document. ...
Learn how to add, replace, rotate, delete, and move pages in a PDF using Adobe Acrobat. What you'll need Download sample files ZIP, 3 MB 1 Open a PDF and select the Organize Pages tool Open the organize_start.pdf sample file in Acrobat, or open your own multi-page PDF document. ...