The result is integrated into the indicator "General motor rating", presenting in the form of a percentile scale with the maximum and minimum values from 20 to 80. The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment, created by Thomas Achenbach [74, 75], is a collection of questionnaires ...
B. (2016). Ages and Stages Questionnaire: a global screening scale. Hospital Infantil de Mexico. 5-10. Psychometric studies: Alvarez-Nunez, L., Gonzalez, M., Rudnitzky, F., & Vasquez-Echeverria, A. (2021). Psychometric properties of the ...
This scale takes approximately 10 min to complete, and it was administered to all participants age 18 and older. Conners' Adult ADHD Rating The CAARS is a measure designed to assess the presence and severity of adult ADHD symptoms. This scale takes approximately Scales—CAARS (Erhardt et al.,...
For example, widespread decrements in prefrontal white matter in schizophrenic patients were related to higher levels of negative symptoms, as measured by the Scale for the Assess- ment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) [39]; inferior frontal white matter FA inversely correlated with the SANS global ...
Subjects' emotional self-assessments are nine-scale evaluations, from 1 to 9, for both valence and arousal. The database is described in [101] and is available online at It is a multimodal database for emotion ...
(2011). A pilot evaluation of associations between displayed depression references on Facebook and self- reported depression using a clinical scale. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. doi: 10.1007/s11414-011-9258-7 Moreno, M. A., Grant, A., Kacvinsky, L., Egan, K. G., ...
目前,研究人员正在探索自主设计自身"硬件"的途径(Nitta et al., 2021; O'Connor et al., 2022).认知增强同属于这类尝试之一,主要 指使用技术或物质来提高健康人认知相关能力 或表现的特定增强形式(Kipke, 2013).� 以往有关认知增强的文章大多集中在伦理 争辩上,本文将透视认知增强背后的科学背景, 据此划分...