LMR-400 cable is part of more than one million RF, microwave parts in stock at L-com. This Times Microwave low loss LMR-400 coax cable is ready to buy and can be shipped worldwide. L-com also maintains a wide selection of other radio frequency coaxial cable types that ship same-day ...
单位式(电缆unitcable 单位式合unitlay-up 绞 单位屏蔽对绞电缆unitshieldedpairedcable 位式绞untstranding 单合i 位式绞缆机unistndingachie 单tramn 单绞电缆uitncable 位ntwi 单位式(绞合)电缆unit-strandecal dbe 单位绞unit-trandng si 单式(绞合)电unt-typestndedcabe 位缆iral 三同心绞缆、三相轴电缆...
If the KLASS 1 LASERAPPARAT antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to coaxial type cable. If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the ...
coaxialcable模拟灯r acousticalengineeing 光导纤维电缆l声波 dummyamp acousticwave声学分析soundintensityandsoundintensity 声容coalanali austicysslevel acousticcapacitance声源声压与声压级 声频usoun sorceofdsoundpressureandpe rssurelevelo acoustcalfrequency声场 ifsound 声阻i响度级与等响曲线 undfe sold acoustica...
214 IEC 62153-4-11-2009 2009-08-01 English Metallic communication cable test methods Part 4-11: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Coupling attenuation or screening attenuation of patch cords, coaxial cable assemblies, pre-connectorized cables Absorbing clamp method - Edition 1.0215 IEC TS 62351-5...
442 IEC 61196-1-324-2006 2006-03-01 English, French 中文版翻译+PDF原版 Coaxial communication cables Part 1-324: Mechanical test methods Test for abrasion resistance of cable - First Edition 443 IEC 60455-3-5-2006 2006-03-01 English, French 中文版翻译+PDF原版 Resin based reactive compounds ...
Cable Configuration These cables have a characteristic impedance determined by their geometric parameters. Widely used impedances for the coaxial cable are 50Ω and 75Ω. Twisted pair cables have impedances of about 120Ω to 150Ω. Other types of transmission lines are the strip line and ...
79 32-AM 4 8 4 Coax 32-82 4 30 32-75 32-76 0 25 32-48 32-52 Contact Size 4 3 7 4 38 2 size 4/0 3 3 4 7 1 10 25 24 15 18 3 size 2/0 1 **Coaxial cable data data can can be befound foundon oninsert insertarrangement arrangementdrawings, drawings,pages pages55-77....
235 IEC 61196-1-123-2023 2023-03-01 English Coaxial communication cables – Part 1-123: Electrical test methods – Test for attenuation constant of radiating cable - Edition 1.0 236 IEC 61158-4-28-2023 2023-03-01 English,French Industrial communication networks – Fieldbus specifications – Part...
Part2-2:Blankdetailspecificati。nf。rflexiblecoaxialcableassemblies Cordonscoaxiauxetcordonspourfrequencesradioelectriques- Partie2-2:Sp岳cificationparticuliere-cadrepourcordonscoaxiauxsouples INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE ...