deecveche合求支 •ftick不要票 •defectivegoods残次商品,次货 •defendant被告人 •defendedtakeoverbid防卫兼并出价 •fstratuiage合同计 deeneconcadtncy国防审局 •defensiveasset防御性资产 •efnieassterva防御产够用天数 desvetinl性资 •defieivetet御投资 ensvnsmn防性 dfniepfolo御性合投资 ...
52.SeboTJ,ChevilleJC,RiehleDL,etal.Predictingprostatecarcinomavolumeandstageatradical prostatectomybyassessingneedlebiopsyspecimensforpercentsurfaceareaandcorespositivefor carcinoma,perineuralinvasion,Gleasonscore,ploidyandproliferation,andpreoperativeserum prostatespecificantigen:areportof454cases.Cancer2001Jun;91(11):...
tooth che [tu : 6 eik] n.牙捕 1396. !£heft [ 6 eft] n 盗窃案 1441. top n.顶部,上面 1397.派 thief [ 0 i:f] (pl. thieves) n 窃贼,小偷 1442. tot l [t ut () 1] .总的,全体 的,完全 的 1398. they [Oei] pron.他/她/它们 主(格) r1.合计,总计 V.合计为 1399....
http500错误 http 500内部服务器错误,请与管理员联系。 请尝试以下操作: ·打开主页,然后查找指向您感兴趣信息的链接。 ·单击后退链接,尝试其他链接。
C) quando apre la banca. 4. La signora cerca A) un paio di guanti. B) un paio di pantaloni. C) un paio di scarpe. 5. Marco deve andare A) in piscina. B) al cinema. C) a scuola. 6. L’annuncio avvisa che il treno A) arriva. B) parte. C) è in ritardo. Ascolto –...
Although the morphology CofadV1en.3dLraitnicd densin/shank with spines was strongly altered upon densin-180 or shank1b co-expression, spines in all conditions displayed a correct alignment of presynaptic synapsin and postsynaptic PSD-95 on dendritic spine heads and along filopodia-like spines. ...
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"It is non-negotiable. This is a tough battle with no route of retreat. We must double our efforts till the last minute. We must not pause, slacken off or be negligent." He asked the whole Party to perform well in this "difficult test", to apply more determination and more vigor, ...
SSchcheemmaatitcicofosfesmemicoicnodnudcutoctrocravcaitvyi-tbya-bseadsesdensseonrsso. r(sa.) R(ain) gRirnesgorneastoonrasteonrsosern. Rsoerp.riRnetepdriwntietdh wpeirthmpisesriomnisfsriomn fr[o8m9].[8C9o].pCyroigphytrig©htE©lseEvlsieervi(e2r0(1220)1. 2()b. ,(cb) ,cS)...