It will open the Signature Properties overlap window. It will have all the details like Signing Time, Reason, Location, etc. It will even show if the document is modified after the signature was applied or not. In the Signature Properties window, click on theShow Signer’s Certificatebutton....
企业PKI元素(Enterprise-owned PKI elements): 私钥备份存储,撤销数据存储(revocation data store: Local certificate revocation lists (CRL 证书撤销列表),LDAP CRL,online status check. etc ),公钥证书存储( acrobat store, Windows cert. sotre,LDAP store, etc.) 公司或者三方时间戳服务器(Company or third par...
Select your digital ID, and then selectCertificate Details. Verify information on the certificate of a contact Select theSignaturespane and choose the signature. In theOptionsmenu, selectShow Signature Properties. SelectShow Signer’s Certificateto see details of the certificate. ...
7) Check the field for 'Use this certificate as a trusted root' and click 'OK' twice to close this and the next window. 8) Click 'Validate Signature' to execute the validation. You can also refer to the Adobe article Validating digital signatures, Adobe ...
XADES enveloping mode with real certificate (BES/T). XADES enveloped mode with SoftHSM certificate (BES). XADES enveloping mode with SoftHSM certificate (BES). Online pdf validatorpdfvalidatororverapdf. Offline Apachepdfboxjava based valid...
Require Valid Certificate Signature During Chain Building: このオプションは、チェーンの構築前に証明書のすべての Digital Signature Algorithm(DSA)署名が有効である必要がある場合に選択します。例えば、チェーン CA > ICA > EE で、EE の署名が無効な場合、チェーン構築は ICA で停止します。
When you sign a document using our tool, we provide a Simple Electronic Signature that includes a Long-Term Validation- (LTV-) enabled timestamp. Specifically, we use a certificate issued to us, Smallpdf AG, by a Trust Service Provider, QuoVadis EU, to put a digital signature on your do...
Support for hardware signature tokens/smartcards (Windows, WPF, Mac) Externally computed signatures Load digital signatures from signed PDF files Decode existing signatures into basic ASN.1 blocks Extract the certificate from digital signatures
Trust Service Provider to be used to generate the certificate. TSP Credential ID x-credential-id True string Digital ID stored with TSP to be used for sealing. Authorization PIN x-auth-pin True string PIN associated with TSP provided credential ID. Authorization Token x-auth-token True...
证书确认服务certificatevalidationservice 由CA(3.21)或其代理向信任方(3.52)提供的确认证书(3.8)有效性的服务。 3.19 证书确认服务提供者certificatevalidationserviceprovider 向其信任方用户提供证书确认服务的实体(3.32)。 3.20 认证certification 为某一主体(3.58)创建公钥证书。 3.21 认证机构certificationauthority 一个...