PDF Books |DMCA|Terms of Use|Contact|Privacy Adventure Сlassic Christian Computer Cookbooks Health Teen & Young Adult Humor Mystery Arts Biographies Children's Education History Fantasy Fiction Romance Science Sports PDFMania Catcher in the Rye...
PDF Books |DMCA|Terms of Use|Contact|Privacy PDFMania Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Сlassic 1991 Autor: J.D. Salinger Anyone who has read J.D. Salinger's New Yorker stories ? particularly A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, The Laughing Man, and ...
Fifty Books to Enjoy with Kidswritten by Veronica Getskow, PhD. with daughters Jessica Fisher and Janel Piersma, is a reading guide for parents of young children, aged 2 to 8. It provides titles and book information for 50 “must-reads” for little people. ...
Alphabet Minibooks Literature. Literature: Features nursery rhymes, limericks, stories, and reading passages. Nursery Rhymes Limericks Cursive Alphabet Trace and Write Letters A to G Upper and Lower Case Tracing Worksheet. Cute Phrases A-Z Sight Words Beginning Sounds. Kindergarten Worksheet Cursive ...
绿色系列(Green Collection): 110 books 蓝色系列(Blue Collection): 120 books 每个系统所配备的书籍都是单独无重叠的。你可以这么使用,在教了“橙色系统的A级”十天后,如果孩子需要更多同级别读物来学习,那就可以用“橙色系统的B级和...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 儿童英语小故事100篇 english for children.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 1. Red Ball on the Floor The ball is on the floor. It is a red ball. It is a rubber ball. The baby looks at the ball. The cat looks...
A.J.’s mom just got a job, so he has to go to After School Kids’ Kare. And Mr. Tony, the guy who runs books that have kids around the world giggling! it, is crazy. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by making the world’s largest pizza! Will ...
Story books that are delighting and engaging can induce their interest for reading. Monkey pen offers free children’s books to read numerous free digital children’s books. Children story books for fun-loving kids, present your kids thepersonalised children booksfor abundance of joy in ...
books系列简介:也是认知类的启蒙英语图画书。无音频。 适用对象:3-6岁 DisneysWorld简介: OfEnglish系列共12本。以迪斯尼经典角色和经典故事为纲编写的一套初级学 习类绘本材。有配套视频。 Stage适用对象:3-8岁 小饼干Biscuit 1简介:语言简单,适合启蒙;画面清新,颜色鲜亮醒目。喜欢 ...
“Then you wouldn’t have to hold your comic books up to your nose. And you’d look cool, like a movie star!” “I don’t want to be a movie star. I want to be a superhero, like Universe Man,” Hector said. “And he doesn’t wear glasses.” “Well, everybody in the Kelly...