381background/baekgraund/n.背景;隐蔽的位置vt.作…的背景adj.背景的;发布背景材料的 382backward/bækwərd/adv.adj.向后地(的),相反地(的),追溯,退步,由好变坏 383bacteria/baektɪriə/n.[微]细菌 adj.坏的;严重的;劣质的n.坏事;坏人adv.很,非常;坏地;邪 384bad/baed/ 恶地n.(Bad)人名...
回原(处),向后 a.可靠的,可信的;真的,真正的 37 1.background 国[的切 丫口£5 * ・ 。]back 背后+ground 343.author 图[心星 p ] auth 创造+or 场地 n 作家 n .背景;经历 344.authority 像星图 心□为♦ * ] author 创造者+ity 372.backward 图[ 各 玛 back 背后+ward 向 n ....
关键词: 英语学科核心素养 高中生 学习能力 v TableofContents Abstracti 摘要iv ChapterOneIntroduction4 1.1Background oftheResearch4 1.2PurposeoftheResearch5 1.3 SignificanceoftheResearch6 1.3.1Theoretical Significance6 1.3.2Practical Significance7 1.4Framework oftheResearch7 ChapterTwoLiteratureReview9 2.1Key...
design 考研英语大纲词汇考研英语大纲词汇 17 designate desirable desire desk desolate despair dispatch disp atch desperate despise despite dessert destination destiny destroy destruction destructive detach detail detain detect detective detector deteriorate determine develop deviate device devil devise devote dew ...
abilitytonoticeobjectsandformsisundeveloped.Theaestheticrelationshipbeginswiththenotic ingofaestheticqualities. 37Thismeansthattheygenerateemotionalresponseslikeexcitementandjoy,enriching individuals*emotionallivesandinspiringartisticexpression.Theabilitytoexperienceaesthetically mustalsobedeveloped.Thecognitive(认矢口的)ele...
bean/bi:n/,design/dr’zam/,sport/spo:rt/,big/brg/。B项..design 音的省略现象,字母g不发音。A、C、D三项中单词的每个字母(字母组合)都发音。故本题选B。(sport/spo:rt/ 为美式发音。) 3.【答案】A。解析:本题考查名词辨析。regulation“规章,调控,管理”,climate“气候”,circumstance “条件,环境...
• The letter M inside a green circle indicates master page objects (visible only when viewing the form on the Design View tab). • A range of numbers indicates objects within a fragment reference. • A yellow background indicates the currently selected object. 18 • A lock icon ...
Reading ▶ Background Information 1. C. elegans It is a non-hazardous, non-infectious, non-pathogenic, non-parasitic organism. It is small, growing to about 1 mm in length, and lives in the soil — especially rotting vegetation — in many parts of the world, where it survives by ...
从入门到精通ad artandar.pdf,4 4 Programming Cultures 4Architectural Design Forthcoming Titles 2006 September/October 2006, Profile No 183 4 Collective Intelligence in Design Guest-edited by Christopher Hight and Chris Perry Exploring how today’s most co
使后退;支持 backbone n.脊柱;山脊;骨干,支柱;骨气,毅力 background n.出身背景,经历;背景资料;后景,背景; 花色的底子 backup n.退却;后备人员(物品),备份 adj.后援的,辅助的;伴奏的,伴唱的;后备的 backward(s) adv.在后;向后;倒;逆 bacon n.咸猪肉;熏猪肉 bacterium([复数.]bacteria) n.细菌 bad ...