2、当PDF文件在谷歌浏览器中打开后,点击浏览器右上角的打印图标。 3、在弹出的“打印”窗口中,从“目的地”下拉菜单中挑选“Microsoft Print to PDF”作为打印目标。 4、接下来,请点击颜色下拉菜单,并选择“black and white”选项,确保打印出来的是黑白文档。 5、设定完毕后,点击打印按钮。随后会弹出一个“另存...
things might be annoying since it's inconvenient to preview the PDF in black and white so that you might not know what it looks like when the PDF is printed out.
Change printer to Adobe PDF Go to the properties tab Find the button to click to change it to Black/white, and click it Print the document - it will ask for a file name, so give it something different from the original or you will overwrite the original Open the new docume...
This particular Change Color Pdf To Black And White PDF start with Introduction, Brief Session till the Index/Glossary page, look at the table of content for additional information, when presented. It's going to focus on mostly about the above subject together with additional information ...
How to convert a PDF to black and white with Adobe Acrobat Pro. You can use Adobe Acrobat Pro to edit your document and create a black and white version. Through the Advanced tab at the top, click on to Preflight. Within the Preflight box, select PDF fixups ...
将BACKGROUNDPLOT变量设置为0以在前景中打印和发布。 存储在网络上的打印文件 如果打印文件存储在网络位置,则可能是打印期间网络连接中断的原因。要测试此情况,请将打印机配置(.pc3)和打印样式表(.ctb或.stb)文件复制到本地位置并指向它们的路径。 重置用户设置 ...
2) when i export the InDesign file to PDF i put an ouput preset for the whole magazine PDF to be converted in black and white? What do you think is the best thing to do? by the way, how can i convert a color PDF to Black and White? Thanks for any info, Cheers, SebsViews...
3、在弹出的“打印”窗口中,从“目的地”下拉菜单中挑选“Microsoft Print to PDF”作为打印目标。 4、接下来,请点击颜色下拉菜单,并选择“black and white”选项,确保打印出来的是黑白文档。 随后会弹出一个“另存为”对话框,在此对话框中选择您希望保存黑白PDF文件的位置,并点击“保存”按钮。
A-PDF To Black-White(pdf彩色转黑白工具)主要是针对pdf打印用的,一般公司打印机都是激光黑白的,彩色的PDF如果不转化成黑白的话直接打印出来的效果很可能部分区域太白或太黑,导致看不清的情况,很不美观。这时就需要A-PDF To Black-White这款PDF彩色转黑白工具,它能让打印出来的文件颜色很均匀,深受办公室职员喜爱...
Acrobat Pro、Acrobat Pro Extended 和 Acrobat 3D(版本 8):您可以使用灰度打印彩色 PDF(也称为灰度或复合灰)。对于 Windows 版本,您还可以选择将所有非白色颜色打印为纯黑色,而不是灰度。 Reader 和 Acrobat Standard:Reader 和 Acrobat Standard 没有黑白打印选项。但是,许多彩色打印机在“属性”对话框中提供此选...