Go to C:\\Windows\assembly and make sure the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll file is installed. For more information, see "You must have the Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office installed to send documents.". A field may exist on the Word template that isn'...
Go to C:\\Windows\assembly and make sure the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll file is installed. For more information, see "You must have the Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office installed to send documents.". A field may exist on the Word template that isn'...
转到管理 |安装程序 |公司 |电子邮件设置,然后选择所有文件格式。 (标记 DOCX、HTML、PDF 和 XPS。)如果选择其他格式,它是否正常工作? 如果切换到报表的罐头版本,是否发送电子邮件? 确保Office 2007 的 Word 外接程序的 dll 版本是最新的。 (转到Dynamics GP 代码文件夹中的 AddIns文件夹,并查看Microsoft.Dynamic...
Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-In 论坛 这是一个社区论坛而非官方的技术支持。 - 如果您需要官方支持:请 联系我们 Search 以下评论皆归发布者所有,我们不对此负任何责任。 添加话题 话题发布者最后发帖时间帖子 CrossOver 论坛:讨论 Mac 和 Linux 上运行 Windows 应用程序相关的话题的地方 常用链接 首页 ...
「您必須擁有 Microsoft [另存為 PDF] 或 [XPS] 載入巨集,才能將 2007 Microsoft Office 傳送檔。 原因 各種原因,但通常Microsoft Office 的安裝尚未完成。 解決方法 請檢閱下列內容以針對此問題進行疑難解答: 執行Microsoft Office 的修復 卸載/重新安裝 office Microsoft ...
Enable support for other file formats, such as PDF and XPS For more information click on the following (Office > SaveAs > Find addins for other file formats) Once the add-in is installed this is replaced with the PDF or XPS command ...
XML Paper Specification (XPS)is an electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. The XPS format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be...
With the 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS, you have access to key capabilities to save documents to both the PDF and XPS formats.The key object that is used to save an Excel document in either format is the Workbook object. The Workbook object has a method ...
The XPS format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed. Important: Most modern web browsers can open and display a PDF file. If you have an ...
XML Paper Specification (XPS)is an electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. The XPS format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed. ...