(文案写手)inSanFrancisco,didn'tthinktoomuchaboutit.Overthenextfewmonths,however,Lipkinfound herselfwithlessandlessworktodo.InApril,shewasfiredwithnoexplanation.Sherealizedwhyshelostherjob whensheheardmanagerstalkingabouthowusingChatGPTwascheaperthanhiring(雇用)ahumanwriter. Lipkinwasnotalone.EricFein,a34-yea...
practice,schoolactivities,andanewgirlfriend.tudyingwashitandmiss,andnowhisteamwasinthe playoffs.Itwasalsofinalsweek.HeknewhewouldbereadyforhisEnglishexam,buthewasnotatall preparedforhischemistryfinal. Raymondthoughtabouthiringatutor,buthisgirlfriendpromisedtohelphim.Troublewas,whentheywere together,theyneversee...
. . . A.China. B.The UJC. C TTie U S 3. Why does the woman want to change her booking? A. To prepare for a meeting. B.To go home earlier. C. To attend a party. 4. Why didn t the man go to the dining room at lunchtim ...
A company has to spend a lot of money hiring a right employee 3. An advertisement with a clear target will make all candidates lose courage 4. Well designed interview questions can help you know more about the candidates 5. Work experience is one of the primary things for an employer to ...
stepsMethodologyTerms&definitionsAbout HiredOpportunities&next stepsTo thrive in this competitive,candidate 82、-driven market of the Great Resignation era and turn current staffing challenges into opportunities,employers need to leverage data-driven insights,upgrade their recruiting and hiring toolbox with ...
Whats the advantage of hiring part ti e e ployees? A. They save oney for the e ployers. B. They don t need the insurance. C. They have no choice but to work hard. D. They can also be changed into full ti ers. 71. The underlined phrase “have a leg up“ probably eans A....
A candidate might have incredible IT skills. Employers that do the hiring need to make decisions based on limited information and as it always. When they view the official Nokia Network Routing Specialist II Nokia Service Routing Architect certification, they can be assured that a candidate has ac...
and expedite technical interviews with Hired Assessments or custom coding challenges.SMBs to enterprises use Hired Sourcer to screen and shortlist candi 83、dates,saving busy hiring managers and executives time.Hired surveyed 1000+tech workers and 250+tech employers in November of 2023 to develop ...
Directions:Readthefollowingpassage.Summarizethemainideaandthemainpoint(s)ofthepassageinnomorethan60 words.Useyourownwordsasfaraspossible. Whycompaniesarehiring'promptengineers9? WiththenewgenerativeAItools,likeChatGPT,anyonecanputinaprompt-typeinafewwordsandgetaresult. Butthatdoesn'tmeanthattheresultswillbere...
IL Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages c