基于Apache PDFBox的PDF数字签名 在Java语言环境中完成数字签名主要基于itext-pdf、PDFBox两种工具,itext-pdf受商业限制,应用于商业服务中需要购买授权。PDFBox是apache基金会开源项目,基于apache2.0开源协议,不受商业限制,开发者可放心使用。以下是基于PDFBox的数字签名源码,使用该源码可使用PDFBox对PDF格式的文件进行数字...
89 AFNOR NF EN 14996-2006 2006-08-01 French Water quality - Guidance on assuring the quality of biological and ecological assessments in the aquatic environment 90 AFNOR NF EN 14978-2006 2006-08-01 French Laminate floor coverings - Elements with acrylic based surface layer, eletron beam cured ...
JavaWeb项目生成PDF文件添加水印图片并导出 首先需要在Maven中添加相应的jar包依赖,若项目没用到Maven,也可自行下载相应所需的jar包(itextpdf.jar 与 itext-asian.jar),如下图所示。点此下载 一、前言 首先需要在Maven中添加相应的jar包依赖,若项目没用到Maven,也可自行下载相应所需的jar包(itextpdf.jar 与 ite...
File.Exists(fileName))82{83LogHandler.LogWrite(@"指定的PDF文件不存在:"+fileName);84return-1;85}86//打开文件87PdfReader reader =null;88try89{90reader =newPdfReader(fileName);91}92catch(Exception ex)93{94LogHandler.LogWrite(string.Format(@"加载PDF文件{0}失败,错误:{1}",newstring[] {...
[PDFBOX-3738] - Signature not visible on Acrobat [PDFBOX-3739] - ImageWriterIterator.next() and ImageReaderIterator.next() can return null [PDFBOX-3740] - Standard 14 and Encoding [PDFBOX-3741] - usage of default colorspace not checked by preflight [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir ob...
89 ASHRAE 3842-1995 1995-01-01 English Fractional Aerosol Filtration Efficiency Test Method for Ventilation Air Cleaners 90 ASHRAE 3841-1995 1995-01-01 English Experimental Investigation of Water Evaporation into Low-Velocity Air Currents 91 ASHRAE 3840-1995 1995-01-01 English Ice-Melting and Melt ...
(481) 89 (100) 2.0 (.9) 10 (245) 4 (93) Hookit™ 20356 051141-28516-0 28517 6 (152) 12,000 0.28 (209) 3/32 (2.5) 17 (481) 88 (99) 1.9 (.9) 10 (245) 4 (93) Hookit™ 20356 051141-28517-7 *One (1) each of the following included: 3M™ Clean Sanding Filter ...
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