266armyn.军队,陆军,军;大群,大批 267aroundad.在...周围,到处prep.在..四周或(附近) 268arousevt.唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起 269arrangev.安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置 270arrayn.大量;排列;盛装v.列阵;装扮;排列 271arrestn.逮捕,扣留vt.逮捕,扣留;阻止;吸引 272arrivaln.到达,到来;到达者,到达物 273...
receipts(DAForm2062)thatlistenditemrelatedequipment(i.e.,COEI,Bll,and AAL)youmustaccountfor.Asanaidtopropertyaccountability,additional-HR manualsmayberequisitionedfromTheUSArmyAdjutantGeneralPublications Center,Baltimore,MD,inaccordancewiththeproceduresinChapter3,AR310-2, andDAPAM310-10-2. SectionIl.EQUIPMEN...
extlink islam 4917 consultation void def 2662 atb_calendar 2062 T1 cj 2068 babylon caution ora_gray systemrequirements safari_gray orn_black p_1 2846 tandc 2852 2853 cleanup L1 2859 forgotPassword 2924 2979 msec dot1 1722 2695 ksiega 2238 dowcipy libs Sudoku 2755 whitelist addressbook g8 1...
1035 军队 jūnduì army 1036 君子 jūnzǐ gentleman 1037 卡通 kǎtōng Cartoon 1038 开采 kāicǎi exploit (mine) 1039 开除 kāichú Expel 1040 开阔 kāikuò open 1041 开朗 kāilǎng Optimistic 1042 开明 kāimíng enlightened 1043 开辟 kāipì open up 1044 开拓 kāituò open up; exploit 104...
walkedmadehimseemlikeasoldier.So,thismeanthewasprobablyanarmydoctor. ObservationTwo Watsonsfacewasquitedark-skinned.Buthiswrists(手腕)werepale.Sohisdarkfacewas probablysunburnt.Thismeantthathehadbeentoahot,sunnycountry.Ashewasaworking doctor,thiswasnotaholiday.Hemusthavegonewiththearmy. ...
扩大 词 229 an army of 大群的,大量的 a large number of 组 230 analogy n. 类比,类推 comparison 230 n. 类此物 parallel, similarity 231 analogous adj. 类似的 comparable, similar 232 analyze vt. 分析,分解 diagnose, examine 233 analysis n. 分析;分析报告 study, investigation 234 psychoanalysis...
接近;方法;途径 adj.适当的;正当的 n.赞成;认可 5 213 approve 214 approximat ely 215 apron 216 arbitrary 217 arch 218 architect 219 architecture 220 Arctic 221 are 222 area 223 argue 224 argument 225 arise 226 arithmetic 227 arm 228 armchair 229 army 230 around 231 arrange 232 arrange...
扩大 vt. 使成合金 229 an army of 词组 大群的,大量的 189 allude vi. 暗指,影射,间接提到 230 analogy n. 类比,类推 190 ally n. 联盟;同盟者 n. 类此物 v. 结盟 231 analogous adj. 类似的 191 rally n. 集会 232 analyze vt. 分析,分解 192 aloft adv. 在高处;在空中 233 analysis n. ...
sea levels were around 25 metres higher than at present.37 The US Army Corps of Enginee 128、rs, for planning purposes, uses sea-level rise scenarios of one and two metres by 2100, whilst other US agencies have a high scenario of 2.5 metres.38Photo: Australian Army Blackhawk helicopter fl...