恢复类型查询表:【https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes】 如果要恢复word文档,需要安装python:【https://www.python.org/】,安装python需要勾选添加到path 如果要恢复pdf文档,需要安装perl:【https://strawberryperl.com/】 2、常用命令解析: -m 指定哈希类型 -a 指定破解模式 -V 查看版本...
用户可轻松使用PDF Reader Pro进行文档阅读、编辑、注释、填写Form表单、转换、创建、OCR、水印和签署PDF文件等。最佳PDF转Office转换器, 支持PDF转换为Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Image, RTF等文档格式。 PDF Reader Pro阅读器是一款用户必备的集管理、编辑、阅读功能于一体的专业的全能PDF阅读专家。快速,易用、强大,...
https://www.ilovepdf.com/www.ilovepdf.com/ iLovePDF是一个完全免费、易于使用、丰富的PDF处...
Converti segnalibri Word Consente di convertire i segnalibri Word creati dall’utente in segnalibri PDF.Elenco elemento Consente di specificare le intestazioni e gli stili Word che sono convertiti in segnalibri PDF.Elemento Elenca i nomi di tutte le intestazioni e gli stili Word ...
MediaInfo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. If you like this application and find it useful,buy me a coffee! Behavior Installation Note for macOS Sequoia Settings Monitored folders General Customize the menu items ...
Spar tid og reduser papirarbeidet ved å bruke Adobes e-signaturer i Reapits eiendomsprogramvare. Få orden på kundebehandling, opplæring, fakturering og betalinger med Adobes e-signaturer. Håndter dokumentene på en bedre måte ved å integrere e-signaturer i Ricoh-løs...
Add a html content to word document in C# (row.Cells[1].Range.Text) Add a trailing back slash if one doesn't exist. Add a user to local admin group from c# Add and listen to event from static class add characters to String add column value to specific row in datatable Add comments...
四将P DF转换成TXT的方法方法一:用以上方法将 PD F转DOC,再用 WORD 将DOC转TXT方法二:用P DF2TXT 3.1 汉化版 PDF2TXT 3 .1汉化版可以快速把.p d f文件转换为.t xt或.h t m . h t ml文件的小工具.操作简单,快捷注:Ad o b e A c ro 10、 b at R eader6 . 0以上版本可以直接把PDF文件...