PDCD4-AS1 was knocked down in glioma cells using siRNA transfection. The functional analysis of cells was conducted using CCK-8 proliferation, cell migration, and invasion assays, as well as cell cycle analysis. An in vivo tumorigenesis assay was performed to investigate the role ...
LncRNA PDCD4-AS1 alleviates triple negative breast cancer by increasing expression of IQGAP2 via miR-10b-5p - ScienceDirectDaoliang Wang aZhuo Wang bLijun Zhang bShengrong Sun aTranslational Oncology
LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1miR-182PDCD4乳腺癌是全球女性最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,仅次于肺癌,位于癌症相关死亡原因第二位.2018年,乳腺癌导致626679人死亡,占所有癌症相关死亡人数的6.6%.同年,新确诊乳腺癌2088849例,同比占11.6%.随着乳腺癌筛查项目的普及和新型抗癌疗法的发展,乳腺癌的发病率和死亡率已显著下降.然而,中国等...
PDCD4轴提高TNBC细胞对化疗药物敏感性.7,体内实验(裸鼠异种移植肿瘤模型)证实lncRNA SLC16A1-AS1靶向miR-182/PDCD4轴抑制TNBC增殖.结论:LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1是TNBC的抑癌基因.LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1靶向调节miR-182/PDCD4轴抑制TNBC细胞增殖,迁移,侵袭,诱导细胞周期G0/G1期阻滞,提高其对化疗药物的敏感性.PDCD4...
LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1 regulates the miR-182/PDCD4 axis and inhibits the triple-negative breast cancer cell cycleBing JiangQian LiuJunda GaiJingqian GuanQingchang Li
LRRC75A-AS1 targets miR-199b-5p/PDCD4 axis to repress multiple myelomamultiple myelomamiR-199b-5pLRRC75A-AS1PDCD4BackgroundPang, QuantangWang, YanyanBi, DapengLu, HongyuRongcheng Peoples Hosp Shandong Prov Dept Orthopaed Rongcheng Shandong Peoples R ChinaCancer biology & therapy...
LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1 regulates the miR-182/PDCD4 axis and inhibits the triple-negative breast cancer cell cycleBing JiangQian LiuJunda GaiJingqian GuanQingchang Li
SLC16A1-AS1 may inhibit cell cycle progression and restrain TNBC cell proliferation by regulating the miR-182/PDCD4 axis.Bing JiangQian LiuJunda GaiJingqian GuanQingchang Liqingchanglimedical@163.com
LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1 regulates the miR-182/PDCD4 axis and inhibits the triple-negative breast cancer cell cycleBing JiangQian LiuJunda GaiJingqian GuanQingchang Li
LncRNA SLC16A1-AS1 regulates the miR-182/PDCD4 axis and inhibits the triple-negative breast cancer cell cycleBing JiangQian LiuJunda GaiJingqian GuanQingchang Li