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近日,复旦大学生物医学研究院许杰课题组分别在Oncogene和RSC Chemical Biology期刊发表研究论文,报道氨氯地平(amlodipine)对PD-L1的诱导自噬降解作用,以及PD1-PALM对PD-1的靶向降解作用。 该课题组通过“老药新用“思路筛选已有药物分子库,发现氨氯地平(心血管疾病药物)能够显著地促进PD-L1蛋白在肿瘤细胞中的降解。通...
Recovery support method for recovering from failure of an external storage device A method is provided for supporting recovery processing from a failure of a storage device in a computer system. The computer system includes a processing unit and a storage device, and in which a batch job ...
上海闵行古美阅华售楼处电话☎:400-8862-334✔✔✔社区主入口仿照五星级酒店,打造环岛式落客区;约35%绿地率,采用了超40余种各乔灌草植物,四季四景常青;又以礼泉归心、伴溪林径、森氧会客、青春营地、童梦岛、花语漫居等主题点缀景观,为全龄业主提供了一个放松、休闲社交一体化的场景。 ...
An inflatable chamber (2) is placed inside an outer support body (1), and the outer wall (3) of the inflatable chamber is pressed against the inside wall of the support body by plates (9) and draw bars (10), in such a manner that the inside wall (4) has substantially the same di...