β-葡聚糖通过激活Dectin-1/PD-L1级联反应抑制了中性粒细胞从骨髓池中的释放,从而对抗真菌天然免疫产生负调节作用,而该过程可以作为一个针对危及生命的真菌感染的潜在免疫治疗靶点。 2. PD-L1+ neutrophils contribute to injury-induced infection susceptibility |Sci Adv(IF = 13.6, 2021) 研究背景 目前,对于损伤...
生存或死亡:PD-L1延迟中性粒细胞凋亡 多形核中性粒细胞(PMNs或neutrophils)是最丰富的循环白细胞,占循环白细胞的60% - 70%。Pmn虽然寿命短,但对先天性免疫和宿主防御微生物至关重要。 多形核中性粒细胞(PMNs或neutrophils)是最丰富的循环白细胞,占循环白细胞的60% - 70%。Pmn虽然寿命短,但对先天性免疫和宿主...
中性粒细胞绝对值通过精氨酸酶-1表达上调,出现肿瘤细胞免疫逃逸而导致HPD。中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比(neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio,NLR)过高会出现淋巴细胞减少而抑制宿主免疫反应,血液NLR升高可能暗示炎症细胞存在于TME中,导致免疫逃逸或免疫干预。还...
Thefrequency of PD-L1-expressing neutrophils was significantly elevated in SLE patients compared to the healthy controls (P < 0.0001). The frequency of PD-L1-expressing neutrophils in patients with SLEwas increasedsignificantly in subjects ...
NEUTROPHILSProgrammed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) is not only an important molecule in mediating tumor immune escape, but also regulates inflammation development. Here we showed that PD-L1 was upregulated on neutrophils in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute respiratory distress syndr...
中性粒细胞(neutrophils)一种免疫细胞可以在白血病、肺癌、结肠癌等多种肿瘤中检测到浸润;PD-L1作为免疫检查点蛋白也参与了肿瘤免疫逃逸机制,在选定病人中,PD-L1的表达与化生性乳腺癌患者的生存有密切关系。目前,化生性乳腺癌中中性粒细胞浸润和PD-L1表达的临床病理意义还有待进一步研究。 中性粒细胞在化生性乳腺癌...
We hypothesize that neutrophils expressing PD-L1 may inhibit T cell-mediated immune responses through multiple mechanisms, it may be a negative feedback mechanism to prevent potential tissue damage caused by excessive autoimmune responses in SLE patients. In conclusion, the regulatory function of the ...
中性粒细胞可以在肿瘤微环境中被重新编程,促进血管生成和肿瘤生长 DOI: 10.1126/science.adf6493 Deterministic reprogramming of neutrophils within tumors | Science ②Science:Hyperglycosylation of prosaposin in tumor dendritic cells drives immune escape ...
s innate and adaptive immune environment into an inflamed state [144]. Combination therapies can reprogram the tumor’s innate and adaptive immune environment into an inflammatory landscape, where the synergistic actions of highly active CD8 + T cells and activated neutrophils promote the ...
According to the correlation analysis of PD-1 and PD-L1 with immune cell populations, PD-1 and PD-L1 were mainly related with Neutrophils and Fibroblasts. It has been reported that PD-1 protein expression significantly correlated with higher TIL abundance, Ki-67 index, basal-like subtypes, ...