The half-life of ~(103)Pd is 16.8±0.6 days, and the relative intensities of X-ray and γ-ray photons are as follows: K_(α)/K_(β)=5.1±0.4; 358 keV, 100 rel. units; 295 keV, 12.3±0.4 rel. units, and 497 keV, 17.6±0.6 rel. units. The errors are given for confidence ...
The half-life of 103Pd was measured with a 0·5 cm3 Ge(Li) detector, a 2 mm thin NaI(Tl) crystal and a 4π-proportional flow counter. Sources of high radiochemical purity prepared from Pd powders of various origins were used. The final result for the half-life is (16·961 ± 0...
103PdNomogramProstate implantPalladium-103-( 103Pd) seed has been increasingly used in prostate implantation as either definitive or boost therapy because of its shorter half-life and higher initial dose rate. Because a growing number of radiation oncologists prefer real-time implantation in the ...
half-lifetotal widthmagnetic momentcross sectionspectroscopic factorThis document is part of the Supplement containing the complete sets of data of Subvolume G 'Supplement to I/25 A-F' of Volume 25 'Excited Nuclear States' of Landolt-Brnstein - Group I 'Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms'...
Palladium-103-(103Pd) seed has been increasingly used in prostate implantation as either definitive or boost therapy because of its shorter half-life and higher initial dose rate. Because a growing number of radiation oncologists prefer real-time implantation in the operating room, it will be ...
Half-lifePalladium-103 decays through electron capture to excited levels of Rh-103, and especially to the 39.748-keV metastable state. A high activity palladium chloride solution was standardized by liquid scintillation, using the Triple-to-Double Coincidence Ratio method. The absolute photon emission...
Purpose: Permanent prostate implants use either Pd-103 and I-125 radioactive isotopes. Identical loading techniques are used to implant the prostate despite the difference in energy and half-life between the isotopes. While the differences in the initial doserate of the isotopes are accounted for ...
Materials and Methods: Based on analysis of serial post-implant CT scans, it is found that the edema caused by the insertion of the implantation needles decays exponentially with time with an edema half-life (T, time for the edema to decrease by (1(2))) ranging from 3 to 23 days (...
The results show that the optimum timing of the CT scan depends upon the duration of the edema and the half-life of the radioisotope used. It is almost independent of the magnitude of the edema. Thus, a unique optimum time window for the imaging study cannot be defined for either 125I ...
half-lifeinternal conversionThe continuous γ-ray spectrum (internal bremsstrahlung) and the discrete γ-rays resulting from the decay of 103Pd by electron capture have been investigated with a scintillation spectrometer. Weak discrete γ-rays have been found with the following energies and intensities...