from sqlalchemy import create_engine import pandas as pd import math querystr = "SELECT * FROM dbname.mytable" engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://username:password@localhost/' + "dbname") df = pd.read_sql_query(querystr, engine) df.head() sys dias pef fer 0 NaN NaN None None ...
Displays a listing of each CF connection pool entry on the current member and its status, including whether it is being used or not, the Db2 Engine Dispatchable Unit (EDU) that is using it, and the function it is being used for. The cfpool option can be used to monitor command connec...
1. SQL datediff函数可以查询时间间隔。 datediff(m, '2019-1-2', '2018-1-4) 查询的是月份间隔 2. 接1。第一个参数可以是year, quater, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, 也可以简写成y, m等 3. Click house中uniqExact和distinct功能相同 ...
Displays a listing of each CF connection pool entry on the current member and its status, including whether it is being used or not, the Db2 Engine Dispatchable Unit (EDU) that is using it, and the function it is being used for. The cfpool option can be used to monitor command connec...
The default is to display information for all the executed SQL statements. file=filename Sends the -apinfo output to a specified file. See Sample output of the db2pd -apinfo command. Note: To capture the past history of a unit of work (UOW) including the SQL statement text for t...