Pd-PEPPSI-IPentCl CAS No. :1814936-54-3 产品编号:1252540 英文名称:Pd-PEPPSI-IHept-Cl 库存:现货供应,每天17:30前截单,当天发货,免运费 纯度:98% 分子式:C48H70Cl5N3Pd 分子量:972.77 MDL: 存储条件:2-8°C 产品报价:50mg,480元;100mg,779元(更多规格请联系客服) ...
peppsiaminopyridinecouplingcatalystuseful催化剂 Supportedby AJournalof AcceptedArticle Title:Pd-PEPPSI-IPentCl,ausefulcatalystforthecouplingof2- aminopyridinederivatives Authors:MichaelGOrgan,AbirKhadra,andStanislasMayer Thismanuscripthasbeenacceptedafterpeerreviewandappearsasan AcceptedArticleonlinepriortoediting,proofing...
The reaction requires adjustment of a base depending on the nature of aryl chlorides.doi:10.1002/chin.201321066Hoi, Ka HouCoggan, Jennifer A.Organ, Michael G.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.ChemInformPd-PEPPSI-IPentcl:An Effective Catalyst for the Preparation of Triarylamines.. Ka Hou Hoi,Jennifer A ...
Coupling of Ph3SiNH2 with aryl halides by using Pd-PEPPSI-IPentCl {dichloro(3-chloropyridyl)[4,5-dichloro-1,3-bis(2,6-dipent-3-ylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]palladium(II)} yields triphenylsilyl-protected anilines. These triphenylsilyl protected anilines can be isolated, alkylated without over...
The reaction requires adjustment of a base depending on the nature of aryl chlorides.Ka Hou HoiDep. Chem.Jennifer A. CogganDep. Chem.Michael G. OrganDep. Chem.ChemInformPd-PEPPSI-IPentcl:An Effective Catalyst for the Preparation of Triarylamines.. Ka Hou Hoi,Jennifer A Coggan,Michael G. ...
PEPPSIPompeo, MatthewDepartment of Chemistry, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3 (Canada) http://www.yorku.ca/organFroese, Robert D. J.The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI 48674 (USA)Hadei, NiloufarDepartment of Chemistry, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto...
N-heteroaryl α-amino esterspalladiumPEPPSIA robust, mild, and efficient method for the Pd-catalyzed N-heteroarylation of optically pure 伪-amino esters was developed. Dichloro[1,3-bis(2,6-di-3-pentylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]( o -picoline)palladium(II) (Pd-PEPPSI-IPentCl- o -picoline; ...
The new catalyst described herein, Pd-PEPPSI-IPentCl-o-picoline, is able to aminate profoundly deactivated coupling partners when using only carbonate base at room temperature.doi:10.1002/ange.201310457Matthew PompeoDepartment of Chemistry, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3 ...
By combining the exceptionally high reactivity of the Pd-PEPPSI-IPentCl catalyst (PEPPSI=pyridine enhanced precatalyst preparation, stabilization, and initiation) with the soluble and nonaggressive sodium salt of BHT (BHT=2,6-di-tert-butyl-hydroxytoluene), both six- and five-membered (hetero)aryl ...
The new catalyst described herein, Pd‐PEPPSI‐IPentCl‐o‐picoline, is able to aminate profoundly deactivated coupling partners when using only carbonate base at room temperature.doi:10.1002/anie.201310457Matthew PompeoDepartment of Chemistry, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M3J 1...