This tool seems to do nothing when I try to update with it. I still have the same Cypress PD FW Version of 100F after using it. Am I doing - 914362
情况是EVAL_BDPS_DRIVER未正确应用,无法识别 CY4500。 详情如下 识别EZ-PD Protocol Analyzer 1.0.0 版没有任何问题。 但是,如果额外安装了 EZ-PD Protocol Analyzer 4.0.0,则无法识别 4.0.0 版本的设备。因此,我使用 Firmware_Update_tool 将固件更新为 CY4500_EZ-PD_ProtocolAnalyzer_FW_2_0_7...
Thanks! P.S. Seems like similar question as this one was posted as well in the following link but for the Z790 Apex board: Kudos Reply All...