PD protein sample preparation products are prepacked with Sephadex G-25 Medium. The PD G-25 product range includes (from top to bottom), PD MultiTrap G-25, PD MiniTrap G-25 (two columns shown), PD MidiTrap G-25 (two columns shown), PD-10 Desalting Column, and PD SpinTrap G-25. ...
PD-10 Desalting Columns are prepacked and designed for rapid, convenient sample clean-up of proteins and other large biomolecules (>5000 M r).PD-10 Desalting Columns can be used in a wide range of applications such as desalting, buffer exchange and removal of low-molecular weight compounds.
PD-10 Desalting Columns can be used in a wide range of applications such as desalting, buffer exchange and removal of low-molecular weight compounds.Table of contents 1. Principle 2 2. Advice on handling 4 3. Safety precautions 6 4. Column assembly 6 5. Gravity protocol 7 6. Spin ...
GE预装脱盐柱 Disposable PD-10 Desalting Columns IMPROVED:一次性脱盐缓冲液交换制备。 球蛋白分离范围:1,000-5,000 柱体积:8.3ml Technical Information PD-10 columns are packaged with a convenient column stand¾the PD-10 Desalting Workmate. Use LabMate Buffer Reservoir for easier equilibration. ...
PD-10DesaltingColumnscanbeusedinawiderangeofapplicationssuchas desalting,bufferexchangeandremovaloflow-molecularweightcompounds. p.2 Tableofcontents 1.Principle2 2.Adviceonhandling4 3.Safetyprecautions6 4.Columnassembly6 5.Gravityprotocol7 6.Spinprotocol8 ...
10 11 12 A B C PD MiniTrap G-25 PD MidiTrap G-25 PD-10 Desalting Column = Protein recovery (%)* = Salt removal (%) Fig 4. Removal o NaCl rom BSA using the gravity protocol. The protein recovery (between arrows) was 95% or PD MiniTrap G-25 and ...
User Guide: FastDigest PdiI User Guide: Scaling up DNA Digestion Reaction User Guide: Double and Multiple Digestion of DNA User Guide: Fast Digestion of DNA Scientific Resources LabAid: FastDigest restriction enzymes Technical Note: E-Gels & FastDigest Protocol...
浓度10 U/μL 甲基化敏感性对 CpG 甲基化敏感, 对 Dam 甲基化不敏感, 对 Dcm 甲基化不敏感 酶PdiI (NaeI) 兼容缓冲液10X 缓冲液 Tango 对热失活敏感是 最佳反应温度37°C 类型IIS RE否 数量1000 U 产品类型限制性内切酶 研究类别传统方法克隆 ...
这里就需要引入列簇Column Families,即每个column对应一组MemTable、immutable MemTable和SSTable。 下面我们从 rocksdb 源码的数据结构,来串一下上面的功能 // [db/column_family.h] // 列簇集合 class ColumnFamilySet { private: friend class ColumnFamilyData; // 默认主键列簇 ...
哑变量处理pd.get_dummies(table,columns=['column1',''...])pd.get_dummies(combined_data_table,columns=["星座",'学科'],drop_first=True) # drop_first 星座有5种,设置为True后,会删掉一种。统计学里头自由度为n-1,最后一种是多余的。