This briefing explores the options available to applicants in the event that the deadline for filing a PCT has been missed. In this context we refer to the deadline for filing a PCT application that is set by the twelve month deadline for claiming priority under the Paris Convention. A suc...
The article reports that Thailand has joined the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property on August 2, 2008. As a result of the accession to the Paris Convention, Thai applicants will be able to enjoy the priority date of the application originated from Thailand in filing for...
claimingpriorityunderParisConvention: -multipleformalityrequirements -multiplesearches -multiplepublications -multipleexaminationsandprosecutionsofapplications -translationsandnationalfeesrequiredat12months Somerationalizationbecauseofregionalarrangements: ARIPO,EAPO,EPO,OAPI ...