操作压力: 0~ 2,500psig (17Mpa) 样品流量:<5000 sccm 模拟输出: 0-5V, 0-10V and 4-20mA 数字输出: RS-232, RS-422,USB (WHQL high speed USB 2.0) 显示: LCD触摸屏 尺寸重量:通用型,壁挂式, (140mmW x 114mm”H x 82mm”D / 3.18kg NEMA-4X, 壁挂式,(254mmW x 280mmH” x 140mmD...
Turn the regulator knob counter-clockwise until the Shop Air pressure gauge reads zero psig. E. Turn the ON/OFF switch to the ON position. Press MANUAL on the touch screen or the F5 button. Press the F1 or UNCLAMP on the screen to unclamp the cylinder clamp grips. Since the air ...
*压力2.1bar / 30.5psi / 2.1kg/cm256PSIG / 4KG / cm3 G 均匀度1.5度 /5%1.5度 /5%1...
GO减压阀,PR2-2A11HCC111,黄铜,最大压力,3600 psig 阅读更多 GO减压阀,PR2-2A11HCC111,黄铜,最大压力,3600 psig 产品型号 wenglor威格勒 FXTT022 温度传感器 带IO-Link功能型 作者shlianqing 2024年10月21日 wenglor威格勒 FXTT022 温度传感器 带IO-Link功能型 覆盖范围: -50…15… 阅读更多 wenglor...
133@ *rh110 to 140@85%rh118 to 150@ 65%rh*压力2.1bar / 30.5psi / 2.1kg/cm256PSIG ...
试验条件:121℃,100%RH,29.7PSIG 失效机制:化学金属腐蚀,封装密封性 THT:加速式温湿度试验(TemperatureHumidityTest) 目的:评估产品在高温,高湿条件下对湿气的抵抗能力,加速其失效进程 试验条件:85℃,85%RH 失效机制:电解腐蚀 uHAST:高加速温湿度试验(ubiasHighlyAcceleratedStressTest) ...
Method and apparatus for measuring the surface tension of a liquid inside a vessel (2), reactor, or inside a section of flow-through process pipe that is pressurized above normal ambient pressure, up to but not limited, to 100 psig (7000 kPa), includes a pair of tubes (2...