No,thisemulatoronlyworkswithPlaystation2games. InordertoplayPS1games,youwillneedaPS1emulatorsuchas thepopularePSXe. Mygameworkedinanearlierversion,andnowitdoes not,why? Duetochangesintheemulatorsomegamesmaynotworkaswellas theydidinthepreviousrelease,asyouwillfindwithmostemulation projects,youfixonegame,you...
Add Game Directory - Select this to add a new folder with PS1 ISOs. Scan for New Games - Select this to scan for new games in your folder(s). Rescan All Games - Select this to perform a full scan in your folder(s). From here it's easy: just select Add Game Directory to add ...
(and that is what it stands for anyway). On the PS1 it connects IOP to GPU and on the PS2 IOP and EE. Rightfully, the PGIF is an EE hardware that emulates the PS1 GPU registers, so that accessing them through the SBUS (like on the PS1) would work the same as on a PS1. The...
Depending on where you live, PS2 emulation may be legal, in a gray area, or against the law. It’s your responsibility to determine the legality in your region. In general, it’s legal to make backups of video games that you have paid for and use them with an emulator, but if you...
together it was to tight to fit. The only other option I'm considering is once I build my cab I can wire a button on my cab to go into my gun and act as a guncon a or b button so I can play ps1 and ps2 games but It'd be way easier to manipulate the software if possible....
game want that reg to be set to 1. I tried to read SPU2 code to figure out little bit more, but its kinda hard part of pcsx2 code to read. This seems to be reading ADSR.Value for core 0 voice 1. But only place that can set this value to non 0/1 seems to be WriteRegPS1?
I know chd can archive multiple files (bin, cue for PS1). Is there a way to compress multi-disc games into 1 archive? ex: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (USA) (En,Es) (Disc 1), 2 & 3 Expand No, CHD cannot have multi-disks within the archive. You can use the PBP form...
No,thisemulatoronlyworkswithystation2games.Inorderto yPs1games,youwillneedaps1emulator Mygameworkedinanearlierversion,andnowitdoes not,why? Duetochangesintheemulatorsomegamesmaynotworkaswell astheydidinthepreviousrelease,asyouwillfindwithmost emulationprojects,youfixonegame,youbreakanother somewhere. 4 Wh...
-Description: The XL games of the series have an 'import from original' feature, which prompts you to eject the XL disc and insert the original disc to load additional content. While the actual disc swap seems to work, the game never imports the data saying 'The wrong disc has been inse...