After downloading the latest nightly release of PCSX2 for macOS, extract the downloaded archive, and move the PCSX2 application to your Applications folder. To launch PCSX2, either open it directly from the Applications folder, or use Spotlight. When asked if you want to open it, select Open...
运行模拟器需要下载PS2 BIOS(最新版本为2.20)并在General settings 中加载, 游戏ROM网上白嫖就好 模拟器下载地址: (从网页右方release中点击进入下载) M1 MBP实机运行效果: 高达联合VS扎夫特2, 4K 60fps运行正常 战神2(1080P 60fps, 需要在Graphics settings的Hacks中...