INSTALLATION 0- Decompress and put the SLES-50306 folder inside /textures of your PCSX2 emulator 1- Put the pnach file on /cheats folder, this is for disable door transitions (6EA9DDA9 original/ A5434CCF spanish patch) 2- DONT activate async texture loading, the texture loading will be s...
Documents > PCSX2 > CheatsLocation of the cheats folder in My Documents.Open this folder and right click anywhere inside the folder to bring up a set of options, select "New" and make a Text Document. This will likely be the only file in the whole folder for you, but in the screen ...
retroarch/└── system/└── pcsx2/├── bios/├── cheats/├── cheats_ws/└── memcards/ (optional) bios/is where the BIOS files are located (see the'BIOS'section above), this should be created by the user. cheats/is where you can store cheat patches, the folder is created...
patch=1,EE,001110e0,word,00000000 // Such patches can appear in several places: // - At <CRC>.pnach files where each file could have several such patches: // - At the "cheats" folder // - UI name: "Cheats", controlled via system -> enable cheats // - At the "cheats_ws" ...
‘cheats’ and _cheats_ws’ folder where you store custom .pnach files for games, but it’s optional and not necessary. Memory cards will continue getting written to /pcsx2/memcards if you used this folder in previous versions of the core, otherwise they will be written in /retroarch/...
Download your version of choice and unpack the textures folder to your PCSX2 folder. This requires one of the nightly builds so that you can replace textures. Once extracted there, fire up PCSX2, open your graphics settings, go to the advanced tab and turn on "Load Textures" ...
玩的游戏是奥丁领域,找到2012的帖子照著上面弄了个奥丁领域的补丁文件可是出来的结果却是 The Widescreen hacks folder ('E:\Odin Sphere\cheats_ws') is inaccessible. Skipping... 分享17赞 pcsx2吧 迷惘之男 有哪些修改器能修改pcsx2?之前下过一个fpe2001,不过不知为何不能锁数值,请问有哪些修改器可以改...
1)DumpyourownBIOSandputitintotheBIOSfolder 2)Configuretheemulator(readsection3below) 3)GetyourPs2gamediscsready,ormakeanISOofthemfor fasccess 4)ConfiguretheCDVDrompluginortheinternalISOreaderto pointtothoseISO/discs 5)System-BootCD/DVD 5 HowcompiletheSVNsource? ReadthecompileguideHERE Keepinmindthat...
I got the bios folder in the right place. I can’t figure out why the game won’t load though. Provided is my log file. Please help me figure out what I’m not doing correctly [INFO] [Core]: Using content: “/storage/ro…
-PCSX2 version: 1.3.0 GIT 25-6-2014 -PCSX2 options: Defaults, no settings modifications affect the issue -Plugins used: GSdx, SPU2-X, Lilypad, Linuz ISO/Gigaherz CDVD,rest null plugins -Plugin settings: Defaults, no settings modification...