PCS or Personal Communications Service is the name for the 1900 MHz radio band used for digital mobile phone services in Canada, Mexico and the United States. All CDMA, GSM, and D-AMPS systems can be used on PCS frequencies.0 - 9 2G 3.5mm headphone jack 3G 4G 5G 802.11 A A-GPS...
1900MHz PCS 双工器件说明书
是否提供加工定制 是 品牌 800/1900MHz双双工器 型号 SVT-DIPD—C/P 种类 双工器 800/1900mhz dual-band duplexer 型号(type) svt-dipd—c/p cell pcs 工作频率( frequency range) 824-849/869-894mhz 1850-1910/1930-1960mhz 插损(insertion loss) ≤2.5db ≤2.5db 带内纹波(ripple) ...
Ripple in band ≤4dB(850MHz)≤6dB(1900MHz) VSWR ≤1.5 Time Delay ≤5μs Inter-modulation ≤-40dBc(GSM) EVM ≤8%(UMTS) ≤6%(LTE) PCDE ≤-35 dB(UMTS) Restraint out of the band 3MHz≤ f_offset<5 MHz ≥40dB 5 MHz ≤f_offset...
In Band Ripple ≤2dB Frequency Error ≤0.01ppm VSWR ≤1.5 Group delay time ≤1μs Max. Input Power no Damage +10dBm(CW) Power Supply +28V;≤3A Operating Temperature -25~+55ºC A. POWER-6 Connector for Power Supply& Monitor,Pin definition: PIN 1 -->RS485A; PIN 2 -->RS485B;...
Duplexers for the 1900 MHz PCS Banddoi:10.1109/ultsym.2000.922680Larson, J.D.Ruby, J.D.Bradley, R.C.Wen, J.Shong-Lam KokChien, A.
Frequency Range 2G 3G PCS 1900MHz (Band 2) 1850 ~ 1910MHz 1930 ~ 1990MHz Operation Bandwidth (-3dB) Wide Band Maximum Gain ≥65dB ≥70dB Output Power ≥20dBm ≥23dBm MGC (Manual Gain Control) 31dB range/1dB step AGC (...
The MHL18336 is designed for ultra–linear amplifier applications in 50 ohm systems operating in the PCS frequency band. A silicon FET Class A design provides outstanding linearity and gain. In addition, the excellent group delay and phase linearity characteristics are idea...
迈克罗斯通信产品说明书:1900MHz PCS 双向器
支援AiMesh - 連接到其他兼容的華碩路由器,打造家庭無縫Wi-Fi網 AiProtection 搭配 Trend Micro 的三重安全維護措施,更具備完善的監護人控制以及隱私權防護系統 世上最快 Wi-Fi 路由器具備 1900 Mbps 同步雙頻資料速率,效能超越 802.11n 路由器三倍 B