A study of laboratory based faecal occult blood testing in Melbourne, Australia Faecal occult blood tests (FOBT) are widely used in clinical practice and are under increasing scrutiny as a tool for colorectal cancer screening. However,... MARC,A,SINATRA,... - 《Journal of Gastroenterology & ...
Thus existing antibody ELISAs are not useful in the control and eradication of PmT. Furthermore serological tests for Bordetella bronchiseptica cannot efficiently be used to monitor infections in pig populations.V.F. OhlingerS. PeschG. Cluydts...
MSM attending 3-monthly PrEP clinic visits in Melbourne, Australia, were screened with a PCR assay targeting the polA gene of T. pallidum from an anal swab and an oral rinse between November 2019 and March 2020. Participants were serologically screened for syphilis using chemiluminescence ...
We examined the feasibility of using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data to design tumour-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based MRD tests (WGS-MRD) in 18 children with high-risk relapsed cancer, including ALL, high-risk neuroblastoma (HR-NB) and Ewing sarcoma (EWS) (n = 6 eac...
Rapid antigen (RA) tests are being increasingly employed to detect SARS-CoV-2 infections in quarantine and surveillance. Prior research has focused on RT-PCR testing, a single RA test, or generic diagnostic characteristics of RA tests in assessing testing strategies. ...
[5,6]. Identification of the specific strain in HRV disease has been difficult because the traditional serological method is insensitive, labor intensive, and cumbersome [7], which requires the isolation of HRV in susceptible cell cultures and neutralization tests against all 101 serotype-specific ...
Clinical presentation and diagnostic sensitivity of laboratory tests for Strongyloides stercoralis in travellers compared with immigrants in a non-endemic country. Trop. Med. Int. Health 2003, 8, 728–732. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 35. Verweij, J.J.; Canales, M.; Polman, K.; Ziem, J.; ...
In Proceedings of the 2018 3rd International Conference on Insulating Materials, Material Application and Electrical Engineering, IMMAEE 2018, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15–16 September 2018. 12. Xi, F.; Jiang, Q. Dynamic obstacle-surmounting analysis of a bilateral-wheeled cable-climbing robot ...
Data from Melbourne Sexual Health Centre demonstrated successful increase in cure rate when using RGT compared with previously used Mgen-detection only approach. Substituting azithromycin with doxycycline for empiric treatment, with subsequent treatment of Mgen infections based on resistance result, cure rate...
Nonetheless, the Roche Amplicor tests had limited value in identifying other mycobacterial species as these mycobacteria invariably displayed negative reactions in the assays. The multiplex PCR, on the other hand, was capable of differentiating M. tuberculosis, M. avium and M. intracellulare from ...