Using the standard curve, the efficiency of each RT-real-time MP PCR and the target copy number of each test were calculated. The back-calculated copy numbers were plotted against the theoretical copy number input and the R2 value for this correlation was determined. Mean values for the four...
用宽口吸液头取65 pi体积的细胞裂解缓冲液并点在Whatman FTA⑧卡 (Whatman, Clifton, NJ, Cat# WB 12 0206)上并在室温干燥1小时。用2mm Whatman 打孔器获得两个分离的2mm含样品圆片。三十份2mm圆片中的每一个分别放入1.5 ml 无菌管中并标记为1-30 RNA酶处理和1-30非RNA酶处理。
Methods Mol Biol Clifton NJ 551:49–58. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-60327-999-4_5 Article CAS Google Scholar Ismaiel MH, El Zanaty AM, Abdel-Lateif KS (2022) Molecular and morphological identification of Trichoderma isolates from Egyptian agriculture wastes-rich soil. Sabrao J Breed ...
The Kruskal-Wallis test in One Way ANOVA procedure was used to determine statistically significant differences among the samples. Statistical analysis was performed by using NCSS 11 Software (2016) (NCSS, LLC. Kaysville, Utah, USA, ncss.com/software/ncss). P-values of <0.05 were considered ...