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品牌: qiagen 产品名称: QuantiTect PCR Kits 产品规格: 1000T 用途范围: 仅供科研实验用途 是否进口: 是 加工定制: 否 包装规格: 1kg 库存: 现货 产地: 德国 发货地: 北京 质检: 通过质检 售卖区域: 全国 服务: 提供售前售后服务 说明书: 1份 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,...
Discover pre-optimized end-point PCR products for high-fidelity amplification, one-step RT-PCR and multiplexing. Find the right kits for your protocol.
货号:204543 | 规格:200 Reactions | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN QuantiTect PCR Kits (qPCR kits) enable sensitive quantification of gDNA and cDNA targets by real-time PCR and two-step RT-PCR using sequence-specific probes or SYBR Green I detection. The real-time PCR kits also allow reliable ...
QIAGEN--miScriptPCR系统中文说明书(初次翻译,如有错误,敬请包涵).doc miScript PCR 系统操作手册试剂盒成分:miScript Reverse Transcription Kit miScript Primer Assays miScript SYBR® Green PCR Kit
PAXgenemiRNAKits能够从固定在PAXgeneTissueContainers中的动物/人组织或PAXgeneBloodRNATubes中人的血液组织中纯化miRNA和总RNA。miScriptReverseTranscriptionKit能有效的一步将miRNA,mRNA和其它非编码RNA转录成cDNA。miScriptPrimerAssay和miScriptSYBRGreenPCRKit一起运用可以通过SYBRGreen实时定量miRNA。〔表一〕 相对于其他...
不要使用miScript Universal Primer。瘿鸫槊凭耸 � 检测前体miRNA,重点要避免有基因组DNA包含在RNA样品中。通常前体miRNA的含量很少, 任何基因组DNA在样品中都会在PCR中被扩增,导致不可信的结果。RNA纯化步骤应该包括基 因组DNA处理,以去除任何微量的基因组DNA。(如,miRNeasy Kits进行柱上DNase消化)另...
Distinct, gene-specific bands are observed with the QIAGEN OneStep Ahead RT-PCR Kit even after a 2 h incubation at room temperature before cycling (blue arrow), whereas reactions performed with kits from competitors deteriorate as time progresses. Gene-specific bands appear significantly...
品牌:Qiagen 货号:218073 规格:200T 存储:室温 产品特点:灵敏并特异性定量检测miRNA 利用单一cDNA定量检测多种miRNA 利用同一cDNA定量检测miRNA和mRNA 包含ROX染料,可用于标准化荧光结果 是miScript PCR System不可缺少的部分,用于定量检测miRNA。该试剂盒基于经验证的QuantiTect SYBR Green Kits技术。miScript II RT...
Ensure success with QIAGEN services for QIAcuity Digital PCR System EN PDF (76KB) PCR, qPCR and dPCR Kit Go Greener Fact Sheet EN PDF (105KB) This fact sheet explains the inclusion of PCR, qPCR and dPCR Kits in our Go Greener program. QIAcuity Digital PCR System EN PDF (11MB) Fast...