We found that EBV might be a trigger factor to the development of cortical spreading depression which is responsible for the focal neurological deficit seen in the patient. This finding is significant since no other report has proven the existence of the virus in the CNS and had led to a ...
In the detection of seven common clinical infectious pathogens and EBV positive samples, only EBV-positive samples yielded positive signals in the dPCR detection system, with no cross-reaction with other pathogens. In 182 samples, the positive detection rates were 47.80% (87/182) for BamHI-W ...
单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(Herpes simplex virus, HSV-2)使用BioMax单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型/Ⅱ型/水痘-带状疱疹病毒三重实时荧光PCR检测试剂盒,EB病毒使用EBV核酸检测试剂盒,腺病毒使用ADV核酸荧光PCR 检测试剂盒,巨细胞病毒(cytomegalovirus, CMV)使用HCMV核酸检测试剂盒,肠道病毒71型(human enterovirus 71)、柯萨奇病毒16型(coxsack...
The positive rates of nucleic acid EBV-DNA test and serological test were compared. Results in the control group, the positive rate of Na IgG was the highest, accounting for 50.00%; the positive rate of plasma EBV-DNA and pharyngeal swab EBV-DNA were 30.00% and 61.00%, respectively; the ...
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the elderly has been included in the 2008 WHO classification of lymphoma as a new provisional entity. EBV-positive DLBCL of the elderly is newly classified due to the main occurrence usually in patients of older than ...
Results In the EBV infected population,50.22% of the samples tested by the ddPCR method and 20.96% of the samples tested by the qPCR method were positive(P < 0.05), and 98.51%(66/67)of the samples with discrepant results between the two methods were confirmed to have specific EBV DNA ...
EB病毒(EBV)核酸检测试剂盒(数字PCR法) 24测试/盒 血浆/血清 检测数据 EBV病毒检测试剂盒: 数字PCR已测365例标本,其中正常人76例,NPC初诊病人289例,拟进一步分析EBV含量与NPC 诊断、分期、疗效、预后等的关系。 永诺QPCR: 194 of 289 patients EBV DNA positive,67.13% ; 永诺ddPCR: 264 of 289 patients EBV...
(PCR-荧 光探针法)分别在2款实时荧光 PCR 仪 Cobasz480和 LightCycler480Ⅱ 上同时检测 EBV DNA,定性结果采用配对χ2 检验和 Kappa一致性检验,定量结果采用配对t 检验,Spearman相 关分析和线性回归分析以及 Bland-Altman图 分析.结果:①应用 Cobasz480 和 LightCycler480Ⅱ 检测 179 例血标本中 EBV DNA 的阳性...
at:http://dx.doi.orgJl0.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.05.004实时荧光定量PCR检测EB病毒DNA试剂盒的性能验证及评价哺要】【关键词】孟斌1,张好良1,李世宝1’2,赵耀2,马萍L2(徐州医科大学1.附属医院检验科;2.医学技术学院,江苏徐州221002)目的:对新建的EB病毒(Epstein.Barr virus,EBV)DNA定量检测体系进行性能验证...
(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)DNA定量检测体系进行性能验证.方法:采 用实时荧光定量PCR法检测EBV-DNA含量,并依次对精密度,准确度,人员,仪器,线性范围 等性能参数进行验证及评价.结果:EBV临界质控品和强阳性质控品批内精密度分别为1.79%, 0.85%,批间精密度为2.10%,1.38%,均<10%,符合行业标准.准确度绝对偏差<0.5个...