You can change the Schema by copying from the standard and do the changes as per your need in the copied schema, same for PCR, you have the corresponding documents for every PCR in the system itself. Good Luck. Om. Former Member 2007 Jun 11 0 Kudos Hi, i want to know how to...
HCM (Human Capital Management) Please provide me an overview of PCR and OCR forms. Former Member 2012 Jun 08 Try: ...
HCM (Human Capital Management) HCM (Human Capital Management) Software Product Function SAP ERP SAP ERP View products (2) Hi Experts, can any one tell me in brief about Schema, PCR, Processing class, Evaluation, Tables & Cumulation & how these are interlinked/processed in ascending order....
Enter TO Schema. Copy SAP Standard Schema (XT00) to Z Schema (Z003). Rule Creation: TCODE: PE02. Enter Rule name and click on Create button. In Attributes, enter Program Class ‘C’ (Payroll). Create a Rule (Z002) for calculating OT Rate. Each rule contains operations to ...
Could you plz capture screenshot this PCR in Time Schema (when runing in display log mod) on 31.Dec. After that checking output of function CUMBT and paste them here. Regards! Woody Woody_Nguyen Active Contributor 2013 May 24 0 Kudos Let check period in Time (besure that period ...
SAP Managed Tags: HCM (Human Capital Management) Hello experts, I want to subtract a wagetype(WT) result from other WT and store it in first WT in PCR. I want to equate the following equation in PCR A = A - B where A = /3RB (Technical WT : Perk value) B = customized WT va...
and schema is nothing but, codes which performs different functions...i.e. add, substract,multiply, divide and many more... PCR and Schemas are something that you could write and alter it as well... But generally, SAP has created all required PCR and Schemas...So you need to alter it...
for this i wrote the pcr and inserted it in ZNAP(copy of subschema INAP) with PIT function and NOAB(on PAR3) ZESU * 0ELE SUBWT * SUBWT 9ELR SUBWT 0ELE ADDWT 9ELR 9ELE ADDWT * AMT*-1 SUBWT 0ELE ADDWT 9ESU When i simulated same amount (1452) is reflection to both the ...
SAP Managed Tags: HCM (Human Capital Management) Hi All, I have a requirement to sum up few wage type values from CRT, put it in a new wagetype and send this wage type to RT. I have written a PCR for this requirement and when i am including this PCR in Schema, I have tried ...
Using function PIT with Par1 = ZKTX and Par3 = NOAB, the PCR should work if your PCR has ESG * and WT 4NTX, provided WT 4NTX exists in the Input Table at that point in the schema. As for the second alternative, you can use an earlier PCR that calls WT 4NTX specifically, or...