Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical. Related to PCP pneumonia: toxoplasmosis, Pneumocystis carinii, Kaposi Sarcoma, Pneumocystis jirovecipneu•mo•cys′tis pneumo′nia (ˌnu məˈsɪs tɪs, ˌnyu-) n. a rare form of pulmonary infection caused by the protozoan Pneumocystis carinii...
Medical Encyclopedia phen·cy·cli·dine (fĕn-sī′klĭ-dēn′, -dĭn, -sĭk′lĭ-) n. A drug, C17H25N, used in veterinary medicine as an anesthetic and illegally as a hallucinogen; PCP. [phen(o)-+cycl(o)-+-id(e)+-ine.] ...
PCP and other protozoal infections Approximately 80% of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) experience an episode of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), which is the most common sentinel infection for full-blown AIDS. The HIV-positive patients most at risk for P...
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Based in Yorkshire, we offer a full service agency experience for companies in the UK and beyond. Top quality. Excellent value. Do you need specialists who can be flexible? Prefer one point of contact rather than an ever-changing roll call of account managers? Whatever your objectives, we su...
Full size image Hair cells possess short actin-rich stereocilia adjacent to a tubulin-rich, long kinocilium. Each hair cell is planar polarized with the long microtubule-based kinocilium localized to one pole of the cuticular plate (Fig.1b). Within a sensory organ, hair cells arise in pairs...
Here we focus on the role of the Scribble polarity module in cellular and PCP signalling, linking signalling pathways to asymmetric distribution of structural components and ultimately, tissue polarity. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your ...
Full size image Mechanistically, we found that nystatin had no obvious effect on YAP expression (Fig. 5D); however, it significantly lowered YAP expression under avasimibe or SOAT1 siRNA in colon cancer cells (Fig. 5E, F). Unexpectedly, no significant decrease in β-Catenin expression after ...
Full size image FZD7 has a role in OC cell proliferation and cell cycle progression To examine the functional role of FZD7 in OC, two different FZD7 siRNAs (FZD7-5 and FZD7-6) and a negative control (non-targeted siRNA) were used to knockdown FZD7 in CH1, PA-1 and OV-17R cells...