acne, weight gain and hirsutism (excessive hair growth). But the type and severity of symptoms you experience will be unique, which means your PCOS treatment plan will also be unique. For example, cysts in a polycystic ovary aren’t usually painful. ...
There's no cure for PCOS. The medical treatment that your doctor recommends to manage your symptoms depends on whether you're trying to get pregnant. It's important to talk to your doctor about this because certain medications can harm a developing baby. They might prescribe: Hormonal birth c...
which means they look at the shape and structure. In many women with PCOS, the ovaries tend to be a little enlarged and on the edge of the ovary there will be a classic chain of cysts that look like a string of pearls. These cysts are small, about 8 mms on average. Often there ar...
With extensive research in the field of medical research it is now possible to conceive despite having PCOD. The Endocrinologist/ gynaecologist usually suggest a course of mild oral contraceptive pills to be taken by the woman. The oestrogen and progesterone in the...
;4.WhatcouldPCOSmeanstomylong-termhealth? --IfyouhavePCOS,youareatgreaterriskofdevelopingsomelong-termhealthproblemssuchasdiabetes,highbloodpressure,heartdisease,laterinlifeyoucanevendevelopcancer Withfewerperiods(lessthanthreeayear),theendometriumcanovergrowandbecomethicken.Thismayleadtoendometrialhyperplasia,a...
In this study on mice, “It was found that both IGF-1 and IGF-2 activate the expression of milk protein β-casein in the presence of prolactin and hydrocortisone. It was found that β-casein expression is accompanied by cyclin D1 co-expression.” This means that fewer receptors = fewer ...
Because PCOS is a chronic condition, that means it doesn’t (currently) have a cure; while that might be incredibly frustrating to hear, just know that there are treatments that can help to significantly reduce the symptoms of PCOS—even acne. It’s important to talk to your trusted medica...
amounts of male hormones(testosterone). On an ultrasound scan, polycystic ovaries contain multiple harmless follicles that can measure up to 8mm in diameter. These follicles are underdeveloped and usually unable to grow further. This means, ovulation does not take place which causes absence of ...
A big problem in polycystic ovary syndrome is "hyperandrogenism".Androgens are male hormones. Hyperandrogenism means that you have levels of male hormones that are abnormally high.Hyperandrogenism is also closely linked with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition where the hormone ...
Give importance to physical activities. Experts suggest that women with PCOS should do at least 150 minutes of exercise or workouts every week. This means roughly 30 mins of exercise per day. Get sufficientsleep. Sleep-deprived individuals have a tendency to overeat the following day. This gradua...